Chapter 25: Are You Happy Now

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Mavis stood in the bedroom for a long time, staring stupidly at the window Lucinda had crawled out of. She couldn't get the image of her and Alex laying in bed out of her mind. She couldn't unfeel the euphoric bloodlust pumping through Lucinda's veins as she prepared to kill Mavis in her sleep. The monster Lucinda had to fight to keep Mavis alive was sinister and powerful. Yet, she had somehow found the strength to manage it.

Even then, Mavis now knew that she shouldn't have let Lucinda go. She still wouldn't have killed her, but she should've at least contained her. Because, if Lucinda took more Rhino Juice and gave into her monster, Mavis knew exactly where she was heading next.



Mavis turned and hurried out of the bedroom, nearly running over Thato.

"Greatest One!" he called after her.

Mavis ignored him and ran into the kitchen. She found Alex and Kevin sitting at the kitchen table, snacking on stale chutney flavored Simba chips and chugging bottles of water they'd found in the pantry.

"Good, The Greatest One is awake," said Kevin. "We need to get going in..."

His voice trailed off when he saw Mavis's face.

Mavis danced around on the balls of her feet, like she really had to go to the bathroom. She was so hysterical, her words were meshing together. "AlexKevinAlexKevinAlexKevin!"

Both men shot out of their seats like they'd been catapulted.

"What's wrong?" Alex asked.

Mavis took a deep breath. "I messed up. Well, Lucinda messed up, and then I messed up. Everything's just messed up!"

"What in the fuck are you talking about?" Kevin asked. "What happened?"

"She...I..." Mavis was so worked up, she couldn't get her words out.

"Where's Lucinda?" Alex demanded.

"She...I don't know!"

"Lucinda!" Kevin shouted. He sprinted over Thato and out of the kitchen. "Lucinda! Get your ass out here, now!"

Alex grabbed her by the shoulders. "Mavis, calm down. What happened?"

"I read Lucinda's memories!" Mavis blurted out. "And she ran away! I let her go, and I shouldn't have!"

Alex's face went pale. "Kevin! Get back in here!"

Kevin ran back into the kitchen and leaned against the wall, out of breath.

"She read Lucinda's memories," Alex told Kevin.

Kevin's eyes widened and his jaw dropped. "What did you see?"

Mavis shook her head.

Alex tightened his grip on her shoulders. "Mavis, it's okay. Just tell us what you saw."

"No, just..." Mavis paused. If she told Alex what she'd seen, he'd try to kill Lucinda, and she'd have to stop him. That, and if Lucinda had taken more Rhino Juice, she'd have to keep Lucinda from trying to kill Alex, too. How did everything go to hell in a hand basket so fast? "Just let me go get her back myself."

It took Alex all of two seconds to snap out of his calm. His lips curled into a snarl and he shook her. "Goddammit, Mavis! Tell me what you saw! Now!"

"You have to promise not to kill her if I do," said Mavis.

Alex and Kevin exchanged horrified glances. After a brief hesitation, Alex let Mavis go. "Okay."

"You have to actually say that you promise," said Mavis.

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