Chapter 23: The Sound of Silence

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Mavis lay face up on the bare mattress, counting the cracks on the ceiling and listening to the wind blowing against the window. Thato was curled up in a little ball against her side, exhausted from his initial excitement with the Animali and the energy he expended worshipping the Greatest One. As tired as she was from the previous night's journey, she'd only slept about thirty minutes. Knowing that the Dark Army was only half a day's journey from her made it impossible to have sweet dreams.

Careful not to rouse Thato from his slumber, she climbed off the mattress and crept out of the bedroom. The hallway wasn't nearly as terrifying in the daytime. Actually, now that there was some light on the subject, it was really quite inviting. The white walls were covered with colorful paintings- animals with smiles, people with heads that were too big and bodies that were too small, pink and purple trees, cars with fire shooting out the exhaust, tiny handprints. This was the artwork of all the children Kevin had saved from David Pretorious's sick trafficking ring. If anyone ever spoke a negative word about her mentor again, they'd be answering to her about it.

The door to the bedroom Lucinda occupied was partially cracked open, just enough for Mavis to see her sitting cross legged on the bed and holding her head in her hands. She almost knocked to see if she was okay, but heard Alex and Kevin's voices coming from the kitchen, and Alex clearly saying her name. Curiosity overwhelming her, she left Lucinda and tiptoed into the living room. She stopped just outside the entrance to the kitchen, straining her ears.

"Even if you try to hide her, Nicholas will find her," said Kevin.

"He hasn't found Beau Tanner, yet," said Alex.

"That's because Beau Tanner has the entire Dark Army behind him," said Kevin. "Mavis has you, me, and Lucinda. That's it. The fucking D team, man."

"Then what am I supposed to do?" Alex demanded. "I'm done with Nicholas and his games. I don't give a damn if Mavis is the only elf that can kill Beau. Nicholas made this mess. He can clean it up himself."

"It's the only reason he's keeping her alive, can't you see that!" Kevin hissed. "Nicholas paints a pretty picture about how he loves all his elves and wouldn't lift a finger to hurt them, but he won't make the same mistake he made with Beau. If Mavis doesn't agree to help him, you can bet your ass he'll put an end to her existence. That, or he'll find a way to force her to do his bidding."

Mavis had to put a hand on the wall so she wouldn't tip over.

Nicholas knew what she was, and he wanted her to kill Beau Tanner.

She wanted to smack herself. She was such an idiot. It'd never occurred to her until now that she was the only elf that was Beau's equal. Who else was going to stop him? Nicholas couldn't leave the North Pole. It was no wonder that Shawna had kept her secret. Nicholas had probably forced her to.

"Look, Alex, I know what you're going through," Kevin continued. "I know how hard this has to be..."

Alex's voice had enough poison to kill a large mammal. "You don't know a damn thing, Kevin. I broke it off with her because I love her, just a week after I started sleeping with her. I've felt like a piss poor human being ever since. But, the universe just loves to screw with me. So, because I love her, she'll never be safe. No matter what the hell I do."

The magic in Mavis's veins vibrated. A warmth spread through her, originating from her heart, that reached the hairs on her head and the tips of her toes. To hell with ignoring her emotions. He did still love her.

"Why don't you just get back with her, then, you fucking idiot?" Kevin asked. "Live out the rest of your lives in bliss before Beau comes in and tries to fuck everything up. Then, be the power couple you are, and kick his ass!"

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