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"I don't have one.. I can tell I'll get one soon, König and Price got the only real names here."

My spine chilled all the way up when she spoke my name, this couldn't be from her smell alone.. couldn't be. I need to stay calm and stay focused. Ghost bumps me and follows me to my room.

"The fuck?" He says quietly and pushes me into the room
"I saw that" he adds
"Saw what?" I questioned
"You're not suppose to show any interest with the females in our workplace. You could've practically barked when she called your name" he says angrily
"This is stupid, Verpiss dich." I spit out throwing my mask off and started rubbing my head.
"If she finds out, and you not start something beyond repair to our team. The other side will find out and one of you or even both will die, from weakness!"
I sat there and took it all. Whatever he said was in fact correct. I cannot get close to her. It's too dangerous.
"For the sake of Bloody Mary, look after yourself." He sucked his teeth. "...And get a haircut" and leaves. Leaving me there alone, with my thoughts.

A beautiful woman like her.. in a place like this.. with me OF ALL PEOPLE.
I have to protect her...

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