11 The Start Of The Search

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(Hi! This is a 2 Chapter  update, Enjoy)

Bat Cave, Gotham City

In a dimly lit cavern, a lone light bravely fought the darkness, casting a cozy glow around a wobbly desk. There, Tim battled exhaustion, surrounded by a towering range of coffee cup mountains since yesterday. With fingers worn and stained, he typed furiously, the sound bouncing off the cave walls like a rock concert.

“I’m going crazy,” he then said while rubbing his hands over his face, covering it, then proceeded to massage his head while vigorous images and satellites coordinates, plus CCTV footage, flashed through the screen.

“How the hell can we not see his face? All CCTV on Bludhaven Airport has a person image detection function! In 4k! But why the hell it's still blurred!” Tim shouted, frustrated about his 2 hours of searching with one of the most advanced technologies known in history. It should be just in seconds or minutes at most!

Then, a sound of ringing interrupted his long thinking of frustration. Tim checked his phone and was surprised by the high brightness, he squinted.

“Fuck, my eyes,” Tim said as he lowered it down and answered the call. He groggily answered his brother,

“Any news? Tim?” Dick said tiredly, also tired from searching around Bludhaven and the possible exit route through the men’s restroom. It was just impossible. There was no available exit from that cubicle; it’s as if he just disappeared.

“Still nothing, I’ve tried other outlets, re-run every CCTV recording on the airport and 2 streets ahead,” Tim said as he slumped back on his chair, closing his eyes for a bit before saying.

“But as I’ve said before, it’s just impossible to have blurry footage because all CCTV’s have been recently replaced by the Mayor’s office, right? So my question is, how?”

Dick thought about it too, as he remembered what all happened earlier.

Fuck yeah, I won a bet! Our soulmate is a male!” Jason said as he heard the news.

Really? Todd? I don’t even want to know how your brain works,” said Damian.

“Oh shut up, Demon spawn, I can clearly remember how you experienced gay panic over that man you met in Alaska, I know you’re happy that you found out our soulmate is a male,” said Jason smugly.

Damian was silenced.

“Well damn, he just made Damian shut up,” Tim sounded impressed while he clapped slowly.

“That's enough, listen here you little sonny angels! I found our soulmate! So I want you, Tim, to check any surveillance! Damian, check on the list of passengers on the flight that arrived on this time, if we find something, we might trace it back to the airline and the airport, our soulmate departed with!” shouted Dick over the phone.

Hey! What about me? I want to help too!” exclaimed Jason.

“For once Todd, would you use your brain! Use your contacts! Even go to Dick at Bludhaven so you can find clues or whatever!” said Damian exasperated.

“Oh shut up guys, Dick, are you sure about your description? Male, 6’2-ish height, Blue hoodie, beige pants, Dark hair? Any additions? Have you seen him closer?” inquired Tim as he worked on his computer.

“That’s all I’ve seen, I never really took a good closer look at him because he ran,” Dick admitted

“Well shit, he outran you? You’re getting old, Dickie bird,” Jason said amusingly.

Tt, Grayson, we need to double your training after this, I’m telling Bruce.”

Dick scoffed and looked at the phone, “Excuse you?! One, There’s many people. Two, I was watching the crowd over Paloma Ryan. Three, I’m not old!”

Silence followed his outburst, Dick felt the irritation settling in, and said, “Just do what you can! We’ve been waiting and hoping all our lives, and now he’s here. I just don’t know why he ran like that from me, is he in danger or in hiding? We just need to find something!”

Dick felt the irritation seeping in and rubbed his head, “Just update me, if you found something. I still can’t get out here I’ll have to finish this paperwork then we’re having a meeting at home, call them back. Alright?”

Tim sighed and said, “Yeah, yeah,”

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