09 Daylight

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This chapter is inspired by Daylight by T.S, Take on the World by You at Me at six, and A Drop in the Ocean by Ron Pope from the famous TVD series.

Percy POV

The golden glow of Apollo on his sunset that reflects against the sea seems to perfectly imitate her long blonde curly luscious hair. 'Holy Hades, she's so beautiful.' I can't help but think that because, gods! I must have saved the world in my past life, Oh, wait, I did.

"ead....Seaweed Head! Hey! Hello? Perce?" Annabeth said while just standing there beautiful like a faceted diamond, brilliant, strong, and with versatility. I seem to stare at her for far too long but art such as her is meant to be appreciated and loved.

"I love you, wise girl" my eyes widened and I proceeded to blush profusely, I said it out loud! I watched as Annie turned her head away, slightly caught off guard, but then I smiled wider when I saw her ears.

"I love you so much, Annabeth" I repeated those words with much strong emotion as I held her and hugged her in my arms. We just sway in our own rhythms, in the beat of our hearts loving each other. After a while, Annie pulled away.



"You need to let me go."

Startled, I look at her again, gripping her shoulders, with confusion very clear in my eyes then turning with fear,

"W-what? Annie?" I said, gripping her shoulders. Annabeth looked up and stared at my eyes with tears in hers, she tenderly brought up her hand and cupped my cheek that I can't help but close my eyes. She stroked it gently like she always did before when we both had a hard time sleeping because of the fall and in that I felt my tears also slowly falling down. The silence prolong until one of us spoke up,

"Pl-Please don't le-leave me, Annie, I miss you so much.." I begged as I slowly bent down and tuck my head in her neck. The so-called savior of Olympus, the prophesied one, the son of Poseidon fell apart in front of her. I know this, I was and always will be, just Percy, her seaweed head.

Knowing I needed to let her go, I hugged her so close that it felt like holding heaven again. But which is worse?

"Oh, Perce..." Annabeth whispered, her voice breaking. "I love you so much. But I can't stay."

"Why not?" I asked, my voice trembling.

"Because this isn't real, Percy," she said. "This is a dream."

My heart sank. "But it feels so real."

"It is real, but it's not the real world," she said. "This is the world where I'm still here, where we're still together."

"But I want you to be in the real world," I said. "I want you to be with me."

"I know," she said. "But I can't. I have to go."

She cupped my face and kissed me slowly, tenderly. It was the most bittersweet kiss I had ever experienced. It was full of love and longing, but also of sorrow and regret. "Percy, I love you with all my heart," she whispered lovingly.

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