She was late, very late, it was 6:30 and Jere had to pick her up at 7. She didn't know where they were going, he wanted to surprise her, he just told her to take some spare clothes for the weekend and if possible sexy lingerie.
He was a naughty boy.

Luckily, she had packed her bag last night, but she had to hurry to shower and get dressed.

She had been hanging around a bit after class because she was starting to get along with the other students, especially Anika and Josh, who was taking the same classes as her.

Anika was also on the volleyball team, so Belly was super happy to have found a friend with the same ambitions.

Josh was Anika's childhood friend, he described himself as an outgoing bookworm, he was a handsome boy and his relationship with Anika reminded him of her and Jere.

Belly got out of the shower as quickly as she could and put on a nice black dress with little white sneakers for comfort.
She had complied with Jere's request and put on a set of black satin lingerie under her dress.

She heard a knock at her door, it was Jere.
Belly always felt the butterflies in her stomach before seeing her boyfriend.
Not knowing where he was taking her this weekend made her even more nervous, but in the best way.

She opened the door to see him holding a bouquet of flowers, daisies of course, her favorite.

He was wearing a white shirt that showed off his muscles with jeans and his black converse.
His skin was still tanned from the summer, and his blond curls had been cut after his trip to the hair salon earlier that week.
He was so hot.

He woke her from her daydream, "Hey Bells," he said with a big smile.
"For you, my beautiful girl," he handed her the flowers and planted a kiss on her cheek.
She smiled back and took the flowers in her hands and smelled them; it reminded her of summer; Susannah's garden.. carefree time.

"Thank you Jere..." she replied, "you are the best... I love you," she approached him and put her arms around his neck and kissed him gently on the cheek, planting many little kisses on his face until she reached his mouth and kissed him passionately.

They pulled apart and he replied, "I love you too, Bells, although I can kiss you all night, we have to go."

"So," she began, "are you going to tell me where we're going?"

Jeremiah grabbed Belly's bag and her hand and made her jog to the car. "You'll have to guess, baby."
"The bouquet is a first clue, the second and third are in the car."

"Oohhh, I love guessing."

Arriving at the car, he put her bag in the trunk, they got into the jeep.

"I'll give you the second clue when we stop on the way," he told her.

They drove for an hour with the music blasting and them singing at the top of their lungs like they did when they were kids.
She still had no idea where she was going, but she decided to go with the flow.

The sun was about to set, the sky was beautiful.

He took a highway exit and said, "We'll be at our next stop in 5 minutes, bells."

She looked around and didn't know where they were when she suddenly recognized it.

It was that well-known motel where she, Jeremiah, and Conrad were stuck during that thunderstorm.
Belly didn't know what to think, she hadn't expected to go back there one day.

"Jere, what are we doing here?" "Don't tell me you rented the presidential suite at this fancy motel," she said jokingly.

He replied laughing, "Don't worry Bells, it's just a stop."

They got out of the car and Jere took her hand to lead her exactly where he wanted her to go, near the parking lot,
She understood then that he wanted to take her to the place where everything changed for them, the moment she chose him, the moment she knew he was it for her.

He stopped and stood in front of her, taking her hands in his.

"You remember Bells?" he whispered.

"Yes... Yes I remember, how could I forget..."

He let go of her hand and took a small box out of his pocket.

"Bells here is a gift for you, second clue," she was so surprised,
She took the small box in her hand, which looked like a package for a piece of jewelry, when she opened it she found a small silver ring with a turquoise blue shell-shaped stone.

The ring was simple but so beautiful.

Belly stopped for a few seconds with a realization, a ring, what did that mean to Jeremiah, was he implying a commitment with this gift?

He must have understood her thought because he added, "Don't worry Bells, it's not a proposal."
She didn't know whether to be relieved or disappointed. She loves him, but they have time to think about these things.

"When it happens, it won't be in the parking lot of some crappy motel, even if it means something to us."

He continued with a smile, "I wanted to give you this gift as a commitment on my part to this relationship, but also to create new memories in this place, which was the worst but also one of the most beautiful moments of my life, with what happened last month I needed to find positive memories and also tell you I love you very much".

Belly was speechless, every time she thought she knew everything about her boyfriend, he found a way to surprise her even more.
He gently took her left hand, grabbed the ring and asked her, "Bells, will you accept this gift which represents our past, present and future as well as my promise to always take care of you and love you? I know we are young and don't know anything yet, but I know that the feelings I have for you are the truest thing in the world for me.

Belly was moved and tears flowed down her face, "yes, yes, yes... I love you so much and I love this ring, by accepting it I promise to always be your family and to love you without conditions, I want to grow with you and continue this journey by your side whatever the future brings us".

He placed the ring on her finger and immediately gave her a passionate kiss, wrapped his arms around her waist and carried her in the same way that they had kissed each other last year in this very same place.

They kiss for what seems like an eternity, unable to tear themselves away from each other.
When they finally broke apart, with big smiles on their faces and foreheads touching.

Belly whispered to him, "I finally understand what you meant when you said that if you kissed me you didn't know if you could ever stop, I feel the same way".

He gave her one last tender kiss and asked with smile, "So, Bells, have you guessed where we're going?"

She caught her breath and replied, "I think I do.... the daisies, the motel, the shell on the ring. I saw that you left a little Rosy's sticker on the car seat."

She put her hand under his chin and said, "Let me see. I say we go to ...... Cousins Beach Baby."

Jeremiah laughed and replied "yes, you're good Bells, Cousins beach for my Sherlock, let's go before it's too late, I want to skinny dip with you".

He kissed her one last time and they ran to the car to drive off to make some new and wonderful memories together.

This is Belly ,my future wife - Belly and Jeremiah  love storyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora