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Jisung went into the library to do his daily shift. As it was Friday today, he got a longer break at lunch time. Chaewon was there to greet him.

"Hi Jisung!" Chaewon waved from behind her desk. Jisung smiled and waved back at her.

"Hi" Jisung didn't get much sleep last night. He had been thinking about his parents, he got a text from them recently saying that they wanted to see him. He left them on read as he didn't even want to talk to them at all. Jisung and his parents used to fight every day when they lived together. Jisung tried his hardest at everything and if he did even one thing wrong, he would get beaten up for it. Jisung was considering getting a second job, but wasn't sure on what to do yet.

"Are you ok?" Chaewon looked concerned. Jisung sat down behind the counter next to her.

"Yeah, just a bit tired" Jisung smiled at Chaewon to tell her he is fine.

"Okay then... We have some new books you need to put on the shelves" Chaewon took out a box full of books and put them in front of Jisung.

"Alright" He stood up and took the books to the shelves, he started walking around stopping every now and then to put some books on the shelves.

"Jisung, it's your lunch" Chaewon shouted quietly to Jisung as he was far away.

"Already?" Jisung forgot that it was Friday and his lunch break was early.

"Jisung, it's Friday" Chaewon sighed

"Oh right, see you later then" Jisung walked out after waving goodbye to Chaewon. He was pretty thirsty as he forgot his water bottle at home. He spotted a cafe nearby and just went there as he didn't want to go far anyway.


Minho came into the cafe to do his usual shift.

"Hey Minho" Chan waved at him as he waved at Minho. Minho returned the wave and went to behind the counter. "You mind wiping the tables?" Minho just sighed and picked up the cloth.

"Sure" Minho started wiping the tables. His parents were currently on a holiday in Australia. He lives with his parents still as they don't want him to leave yet, Minho wants to move out but he can't. As they are on holiday he has had the house to him self for 7 days so far, they would be back in 20 days. Changbin came in not long after Minho.

"Yo" Changbin went behind the counter. Minho finished wiping the last table and looked at Changbin.

"Did you buy the new toilet paper?" Changbin looked surprised and nervous, he forgot.

"You forgot?" Minho looked angry. "YOU FORGOT?!" Minho walked up to Changbin. "Go and get it quick, customers will arive in 5 minutes" Changbin just nodded and ran out the room.

"I'll uh.. Go and... Uh.... Organize the cups" Chan speed walked away and started organizing the cups even though they were already perfectly fine as they were. Changbin busted the door open, he had toilet paper in his hand, he was sweating from how fast he ran.

"The.. Toilet.. Paper... Here..." He took a breath out after each word, he held out the toilet paper for Minho to take.

"Thank you" Minho took the toilet paper and restocked the stalls. He walked out and saw someone walk in. straight away, he walked over to the counter. "May I take your order?" He looked up, he took a second and both of them pulled shocked faces at the same time.

"MINHO?!" They said in sync.

Changbin and Chan looked over, they had been told about Jisung so they recognized the name, not the face. "YOU WORK HERE?" Jisung looked shocked and angry, even though he was the one that walked into the cafe himself.

First Minsung book :) so happy

𝑴𝒂𝒚 𝑰 𝒕𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒕𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒐𝒓𝒅𝒆𝒓? || MinsungWhere stories live. Discover now