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The image above is the closest I can get to the image I wanted, but not exactly close enough. Also, please note that I did not draw the picture! I found it on google, and if the owner perhaps wishes that this picture is not publicly shared, then I shall remove it. Enjoy the story!


Explosions sounded behind me as I raced out of the armory of Gundabad. I silently sliced off the head of an orc and stabbed another one. My black cloak was billowing behind me as I fought the onslaught of seemingly endless orcs. I gritted my teeth as an arrow flew near my left arm, grazing it. I sliced at an orc, killing it instantly. I glared at the orcs now surrounding me. I could see the light from the entrance.

At that moment, I came up with a crazy, reckless, nothing-like-an-actual-plan plan. I gripped Nilveth tighter in my hand and charged. I hacked and sliced my way to the entrance. I was only a few yards away from the light when my gut exploded in pain. I gave a short gasp as I felt a warm, sticky substance flow from my body.

I gave a low, feral growl and stabbed the orc that managed to injure me, with so much force that the tip of Nilveth protruded from his back. I gave a gasp of pain as I twisted my body, possibly damaging my wound even more so. I saw the weapon that had injured me. A poisoned blade. Not just any poison. Death poison. I bit back a few colorful curses in several languages. I growled and rolled out of the foul orc stronghold. I kept running as the orcs pursued me.

I put two fingers in my mouth and whistled, despite the pain. Almost immediately, a great big wolf with pure black fur and ocean blue eyes came running up to me. I jumped and landed bareback on him. I could feel his huge muscles working to get out of Gundabad. Already, I could see the orcs were lagging behind. I fell forward, feeling faint at the loss of blood. "To Imladris, Aiglos. To Rivendell," I whispered. Aiglos changed his direction and started racing in the direction, riding towards the House of Elrond. As I knew a shortcut, with luck, I would be there in a few days. I gasped as the wound flared with pain. I growled and ripped a piece of fabric and tied it to my abdomen, trying to at least staunch the bleeding. I needed some Athelas. I searched my satchel, relieved when I found a few leaves of the precious weed. I rubbed it together to form a paste. I applied the poultice in my wound, gritting my teeth as pain coursed through my body.

A few days later...

I gave a sigh of relief as I saw the path that led to the border of Imladris. I slipped off Aiglos, who was panting like crazy. I felt sorry for him, pushing him to ride from Gundabad to Rivendell. Of course, I only took this long because I took a little detour. But, washing away Ringwraiths was always fun and helping Lady Arwen was definitely worth it. Not that I was seen, of course. I fell off him, and leaned next to a tree. I closed my eyes and I grew less tired, as if the tree had passed some strength to me. Hannon le, I thought.

Aiglos whimpered, pushing his giant muzzle into me. I gave a soft chuckle. "I'm not forgetting you, I promise, mellon nin." I rose unsteadily to my feet, Aiglos supporting me. I stumbled forward, until I came to a place where I knew would be easy to spot on patrol. I collapsed and as darkness swallowed me, I saw a pair of grey eyes looking down at me.

Elrond's POV

I was in my study, reading a book, when I heard a commotion outside. "Ada!" A voice screamed. I immediately recognized it was Arwen's voice. It filled me with worry, for she had never called out to me like this unless it was a dire emergency. I rushed outside to see Arwen, Elladan, and Elrohir standing over a body. I gasped and rushed forward. It was an elf, I could tell, though not one I recognized. He was wearing simple scouting and hunting clothes, and a black cloak. His face, though, was hooded and masked, and I could not see it. I knelt over his body, andI could see no fatal wounds, except for a wound through his gut. I examined it. There was a strip of cloth tied around it, probably to staunch the bleeding. It was deep; someone had probably stabbed him from behind. I bent down a little more and was about to untie the cloth when I heard a low growl. Instinctively, I drew back my hand. I could see a black wolf, bigger than any wolf or warg for that matter, standing in the shadow of the trees. "That wolf's been there all the time, he growled anytime we tried to touch the elf," Elladan explained. "Didn't look like a Warg, though, so I didn't shoot him." I hesitated then reached out to the elf, untying his cloth-bandage. The growl then changed into a whimper, and the wolf stared at me, distress clearly shining in his eyes.

I hesitated, then, I said to Elrohir, "Take the elf to the Halls of Healing, quickly! Prepare a bed for him." With that, Elrohir lifted him and sped away, Elladan following him. I turned to the wolf. It was staring right at the direction Elrohir took the elf away.

I stood up. "Go, Arwen. Your brothers and I will take care of the elf," I said. Arwen nodded hesitantly, then walked back to the gardens.

I headed towards the Hall of Healing, when I noticed the wolf was following me from a distance. I frowned, then kept an eye on it as it followed me to the healing room. The elf was laid on a bed. I stifled as gasp and the wolf whimpered when it saw the condition of the elf. The area around the wound in his gut was turning black and purple. I knew that only one poison could cause this to an elf; Death poison. I grabbed a few herbs and started working right away. As I worked, I realized that the hood nor mask of the elf was down. Curious, I bent down and grabbed the hood, only to be met with a sharp pain, shooting up from my hand which held the hood. Hastily, I snatched my hand back. I frowned; the hood nor mask could be touched.

An hour later...

I sighed with relief as I finished healing the elf. The poison was extracted, and the wound only needed time to heal. I stepped out of the room and closed the door behind me. The elf would need to rest to heal. Then he could answer the all the questions buzzing in the air about him. As I walked down the corridor, I couldn't help shake the feeling that I had met this elf before.

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