Chapter 14(Pregnant)

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Same day at the garage..
Babe arrived with Bibi.

Way:Hi Babe what's up.

Babe:All good.

Way: So let's start the practice.

Babe: hmm let's go and Bibi stay here with Uncle Alan. Mama will come soon.

Bibi:wuff( yes)
Babe smiled and kissed Bibi's forehead. Babe go to locker room and changed but suddenly he was feeling dizzy.But he ignored and Go towards his car and start his practice. 15 minutes later Babe was again feeling dizzy so he stopped the car infront of garage and go towards the locker room. Babe was feeling like he wants to vomit.His friends was worried so Alan go with babe.

Alan: Hey babe what happened?

Babe:I dont know phi.i just feeling dizzy.

Alan:if you feel don't good then you can take rest.

Babe:no no phi I can--

Babe turn and vomit in the wash basin and suddenly he faint.Alan panicked and call way for calling the ambulance. 20 minutes later the ambulance came.They also call charlie.Charlie immediately reached at the hospital.
In the Hospital....

Charlie:What happened to him?

Alan:I dont know its just he suddenly start vomiting and then we bring him here.

Charlie:Oh god.
         Doctor came.

Doctor: Can I know who Is patients partner?

Charlie:Me I am his husband.

Doctor:oh.sir you need to take extra care of him now.Because now he is not alone.


Doctor:Congratulations Mr.krittin.Your wife is pregnant.

Charlie: what? I am gonna be father.

Alan: I am gonna be uncle. ( exclaimed happily)

Everyone:We are too..

Charlie is now in cloud nine.

Doctor: Go meet him he is already awake now.

Way:Okay guys give couple some privacy. We will meet him later.
                 Everyone laughed. Charlie go inside and saw Babe was lying on the bed with closed eyes. Charlie go towards bed and take Babe's hand in his hand.Babe open his eyes and sit on the bed



Babe:Why are go crying pooh.

Charlie:thank you know I am so happy today.

Babe: What happened can you tell me.

Charlie:Mrs.krittin we are gonna be parents.
               Babe feelings mixed he feels happy,emotional at the same time. He slowly puts his hands in his stomach.

Babe:Is it true.


Babe:I love you so much Charlie.

Charlie: I love you too love.
                    They both hugged each other.Babe's tears are flowing from his eyes also Charlie's too.Their friends came.

North:If you guys are done can we come in.

Charlie: Yeah..( broke the hug)

Babe: Yeah come in.

Sonic: so our soon to be mother how are you feeling.

             Babe blushed.

North: someone is shy.

Sonic:Do you remember North when they first meet and we tell him to be his wife. His face was exactly red like that.

Way: yeah..he was blushing mess that time. Now he is wifey and gonna be mother too.
Congratulations both of you.

Both:Thank you.

                   Babe discharged from hospital after taking his reports. They directly go to garage Babe go to locker room and Changed his cloths.After changing his cloths he go towards Bibi.Beacuse bibi was looking sad and sulky.

Babe: what happend to my baby? is that my baby was worried about mama.

bibi: bark(yes)

Babe:Oh my cute baby.

Charlie:So all set let's go home babe you need rest now.

Babe:Yeah bye everyone.

                         They go to home.When their car arrived in front of the house.Charlie go out from the carbut before Babe came out from the car Charlie carry him in bridal style .Babe was shocked.

Babe: Charliee.

Charlie: why can't I take care of my wifey.

Babe: I am okayyyyyy. Put me down.

Charlie :No

                      They go inside the house and Bibi was also following them.

Babe:Now put me down I am okay.

Charlie:okay okay.
                    From that day Charlie and all the friends of babe and charlie was pampering Babe like a princess.  The most shocking thing is Bibi never leave Babe's side he always stay beside Babe.


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