CHAPTER 11 - "His Father is Dying"

Start from the beginning

               Say it's not like me, I'll agree with you. But great evils, great remedies.

               While removing his tunic, I put my plan into action. Ros, one of the prostitutes in Winterfell with whom I have been friends since childhood, once told me that any woman was able to seduce any man. Just because she's a woman.

"My prince" I start.

"I'm listening, sweetheart."

               Please. Kill me.

"Before I came to see you, I was with my sister, Sansa. You know her, right?"


"She really likes you... I think she fell in love with your blonde hair... Well... who could resist?"

               Me. I can't believe I just said that. I must look completely ridiculous.

               Joffrey just smiles proudly.

"You see... Sansa is – how should I say? – very young. She is naive and impressionable."

"What are you getting at?" cut off the prince.

"My sister implied that you would have told her that you would marry her."

"Are you jealous, my dear?"

               Not at all! And how «my dear»?!

"It's not... quite that..." I answer with red cheeks.

               I can explain everything.

               As I prepare to remove his tunic, Joffrey suddenly sticks me to him, making it fall. I found myself glued to the bare torso of the future King of the Seven Kingdoms and, against all odds, I did not rejoice.

               One night, in Winterfell, Tyrion and I were drunk, and we took the opportunity to plague Joffrey. He told me that his nephew was supple and compensated for this by wearing tunics with broad shoulders.

               I can see now that he was telling the truth. But I might as well take advantage of it.

"You wouldn't be wooing another woman, I hope..." I whisper to him by putting my finger on his chest.

"Never, my lady..."

"Promise me..."

               Instead, Joffrey takes my chin between his two fingers and, before I have time to react, puts his lips on mine. It only lasts a few seconds, but it's enough to convince me of his love for me. I can now go to sleep in peace. I'll see Cersei tomorrow. Or not.... Any excuse is good to take.

"It's getting late" I say, still against him.

"Good night, my lady."

               As soon as he takes his hand off my back, I rush out of the room. I knew it wouldn't be easy, but I expected it to be mentally, not physically.

"Everything went the way you wanted?" asks the Hound.

"I'm not sure of what just happened..."

               Speechless, I have trouble formulating this sentence correctly and I leave without adding anything. What bothers me the most is not that he kissed me, it's that I liked it. I hate myself for it! I can't do that to Petyr! Or... Maybe it's to Joffrey whom I can't do that.


               I have not spoken to Sansa again about this story, she must already be tormented enough like this since. Since I made Joffrey promise not to woo her, he does not approach her.

               I think she suspects a few things because she hasn't spoken to me since. Even now that we are sitting opposite each other and there is absolutely nothing else to do. I don't blame myself. I know I did the right thing, but I regret that she resents me.


               On the other side of the room, the door slams, revealing Arya, gasping.

"King Robert is going to die!" she cried.

"What are you saying?"

"He came home wounded from the hunt. I saw him! He's gonna die!"

"Stay with the Septa! Arrow, come on!"

               With a sustained step, I go to Robert's apartments where I hope to find my father or, in any case, more explanations.

               When I arrive in front of the king's room, Lord Varys turns to me. Although several months have passed since we arrived in the capital, I still find this man enigmatic. I don't know if I can trust him.

"Lady Diana" he bows slightly.

"What happened?" I ask right away.

"The king seems to have drunk too much during the hunt, my lady. He couldn't avoid the boar that attacked him."

"A boar? I would have thought of..."

"A murder?"

               My silence is enough for my mysterious companion who adds nothing more than a small shrug of the shoulders.

               I believed in the assassination of Jon Arryn long before I met a single member of the court. And I do not see what would prevent me from suspecting the Lannisters this time again.

"Is Prince Joffrey inside?"

"He left a few minutes ago now" answers the eunuch.

"Did he look upset?"

"Her father is dying, my lady."

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