The rage and The calm I

Start from the beginning

Greed had a wife, a witch, one that was strong enough to bear his demon babies but Pride had an eye for her. For years he and Pride quarreled over who deserved her the most; Greed found her first but Pride loved her better. One night Mammoth came home to a scene so grant it shattered it heart, it made the prince of Greed kneel and wail in despair. What happened? No one knows. But we all know that Greed came home to his lover's corpse, cold and defiled. He could not believe it, his heart could not contain it. Was it out of despair or pain that he concluded that Pride did it? you could not tell, you could never tell which is which when it comes to those two.

He summoned a council to seek justice for his beloved, but unfortunately when he did, Pride threw a huge banquet in honor of Greed's return, so they may settle their differences and call them selves brothers once more; so none of us showed up to that council sitting."

Her Majesty gasped, "how could you?" she managed to say

"We were not aware, we did not know. We all wondered why he didn't show up to a banquet that was thrown in his honor and thought maybe it was just one of their silly fights, but this was beyond silly; it was murder, in another prince's house.

When we came back, it was too late. Greed had already made his decision, he waged war of hell and left to gather an army. And when he did, the balance of hell was tampered, and all fell into chaos. We looked for him, begged him but he turned a cold eye to our plea. He claimed that pride did it, but there was no evidence. "

Othel was stunned, utterly out of words. She was not expecting this, she was not expecting anything like this. Murder, rape and intrusion. No, this is bad, this is way too bad. Now she understood why Mammoth's heart was so cold, now she understands the unfiltered rage and cruelty.

"one thing I do not understand is that, how is the seventh kingdom involved in all of this? How does this concern us?" she spoke up.

"the dark northerners need blood to be powerful, human blood. In the midst of need of that blood, your grandfather died and the seven kingdoms were to be divided for all his seven children. All were pure of heart except for one, his greed reeked and attracted Mammoth to him..."

"so he baited him, and his greed drove him to accept. He knew what he would ask would be vile and my father would not agree to it, so he waged a war so his people can feed. I see it now, I can see it clearly now." Othel interrupted

He nods his head

"But you are all devil princes; Immortal as you may have it, so why do you need my help? i know you very well can handle this situation without involving me. i mean it's 6 against 1, the odds are entirely in your favour"

She sounded frustrated, and he understood but she needs to understand too "what you say is true my queen, but another prince can not kill or inflict harm directly on the other"

"i see"

"when the great devil king passed on, his powers were granted to you. You are the only living person with the ability to stop mammoth, the dark northerners and drag him back to hell." he paused to look at her, "you are our last hope your majesty, the faith of the world; both mine an yours lies in your hand, please your majesty do not give up on us" he said, almost pleading, she could hear the desperation in his voice.

Othel has heard that statement over and over and has grown accustomed to it; like the song of the bees in a bright summers day or the clashing of steel which she was conditioned to since childhood.

she wanted to block her ears and run, as fast as she could until she reaches the ruins of Argania; "No, not argania" she thought, "somewhere farther, so far that i could escape this, all of this".

" i'm just a girl" she said, trying to convince herself that she doesn't deserve this pressure. Her hands were shaking, she felt like hitting her head on the cold palace stone.

She wanted flowers and chocolates on her birthday not a new sword sheath or set of arrows. She wanted to be held— embraced and she wanted to feel safe and loved, not to be forced into the face of war.

She also wanted to wear dresses not leather suits and boots.

She thought about how she'll look like in a dress, a blue dress "blue is my favorite color" she told herself as tears rolled down her eyes. She will wear a tiara, no tiaras are for princess, so she will wear a crown and a red lipstick. She'll attend balls in her dresses and dance her heart out all night, and maybe even have her first kiss, she is 16 after all.
But then it hit her, there's no time to folly around her kingdom is in the midst of war; it has been for years.

She is the queen of the Seventh kingdom, the seventh child of the seventh king, and she will not deny her legacy not matter how dirty it is, she will not deny her fate no more.

She wiped her eyes and took a deep breath to snap out of her day dream, she knows what must be done, because no matter how far she runs she will not outrun her destiny.

"It's time for the fates' telling to come true" she finally spoke up,"let's fight this war. Let's bring an end to this once and for all".

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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