6. First day at school

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It was currently 7 am, and Köcher High School, where the f4 were also enrolled, started at 8 am. Well, she was a student there now aswell, though f4 didn't know about it. That was what she was nervous about. Is it really okay to not tell them about her going to the same school as them? Yes. But was it okay to pretend like she didn't already enroll in there school? No. Because one thing about Sua which everyone who knew her are clear with is that she doesn't like lies, what she hates more than lies is liars.

Sua pov

“But you just wanted to give a surprise! Don't be so stuck up on that, it's not even a lie! You just didn't tell them! And now please let me eat my lunch for god's sake! Just get ready and go to your school and let me be in mine!” Jake shouted while sitting in his school canteen.

“Okay okay, don't have to be so rude about it” I said rolling my eyes at him, finally getting ready for the school.

Now, was the moment of truth. This was the first time I was seeing this school in real life. It was my first time stepping into it. When I searched over the internet, I heard a lot of things about it, all of them were good ones but like every other place, there can be gruesome things which are
hidden underneath the beautiful surface of this school. Though it doesn't seem like it, so for now all I have to do is study and enjoy the final year of my highschool, that I know would not be able to do after completing my year and taking the company work in my hands.

It was the time for the first class now, the teacher had came inside but no one was here. And when I asked the teacher about it, she told me to not mind it and pay attention to my work. It was weird, but considering this was a school for the rich brats of the company, it's justified. All were gone out for the whole class, and came giggling and laughing at something in the middle of the second class. This confused me but I just let them be, not bothering to ask about what was so funny that they missed their class for.


It was now break, and I had still not found the cafeteria. The building was so huge that it seemed like I was just going in circles, but after 10 minutes which seemed like 10 hours, i finally found it. “FINALLY!” I whisper yelled and ran inside quickly, only to watch a drama playing our in front of me. I walked towards it and saw a girl my height, in a half ponytail with strands of hair loose falling to her sides speak “Can't you forgive her?” I looked to the side and saw it was Thyme who she was speaking to “You dare order me around?” Thyme spoke up, but unlike his usual tone it was a very menacing one, which seemingly scared the girl, so I decided to intervene. “Thyme.. you don't have to create so much of an issue, what even happened for you to speak like that?” I spoke up taking many by shock, even the whole f4. I could here small murmurs talking about me, I couldn't here them clearly but some were that "How dare she speaks to thyme like that? Who even is she?" And so on. Uhm wait, they don't know me, right.

“Sua.. what are you doing here?” Thyme asked me coming near me now. “Yes, you didn't tell you you enrolled in Köcher.. Why?” Kavin said. Oh my –the nervousness building up now was going to make me start jumping here but I controlled. "Oh yeah! I totally forgot to tell you I'm going to join your school! Surprise! You know now right?" I say and smile sheepishly, which just made Thyme smile at me. Oh my god, that damn smile.

“Okay. I like the suprise I guess. Thank you” Thyme said, but Kavin countered with “Is this the Sua privilege? She didn't tell us that she's joining our school and made up such a bad excuse that she simply forgot and you aren't even gonna say anything to her? Wow!” waving his hands from his head like his mind is blown. We all collectively laugh at him and then I say “It's not my fault I'm privileged.” flipping my hair in a joking manner. But then, my hunger came back. “Eh... Where is there food counter guys? I'm hungry..” “Oh you still haven't eaten? Come on let's go!” Thyme said starting to walk somewhere, but not before he stopped and whispered something in the other girls supposed friend's ear. He came back again, smiled at me and put his hand around my shoulders guiding me to the food counter. Wow, what a wonderful day.

Mini Here!

Wow, what a day ruining chapter. Hehehee trust me it was better in my head. Moreover I haven't uploaded in a while because of school and stuff so I had to update. Fuck school. But yeah that's it.
It is Jay's (Enhypen) birthday today!!! Happy Jay Day!

P.S. not proofread

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