The ref and the linesmen huddled together, watching the film again. Two minutes or so passed by when the same ref came back to center ice.

"The call on the ice will stay. Canada, 2 minutes, delay of game."


The sirens blared as you heard Team USA celebrate.

You picked up your helmet and exited the box, tears threatening to spill out of your eyes. You didn't look up, you didn't look at your team, and you especially didn't look at Luke.

The locker room talk didn't help. Some girls were already messing around, laughing and giggling as if you guys hadn't lost in the finals.

While your hands took off your padding and untied your skates, one of your teammates came up in front of you. You looked up at her.

"You know you really shouldn't be upset. If it weren't for your penalty, we could've scored instead of letting them end with the power play."

Your eyebrows furrowed and you stood up, your skates making you tower over her slightly. "My fault? Maybe if you could keep pucks out of our end we wouldn't have lost."

This comment made her upset. She shoved you back, causing you to stumble a bit before you found your footing and shoved her back. Right as she hit the ground, your coach walked in.

"L/n! Take off your skates and get out here. Now." She said sternly.

You ignored the comments that flowed in the room, your eyes trained on your cubby. You untied your skates quickly and slipped on your slides, walking out to the hallway.

Your coach sighed when she saw you, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have pulled you for that long, especially after the second goal."

You stayed silent, knowing that if you said something it would've been something along the lines of, 'Yeah, that was pretty fucking stupid.'. Instead, you sighed and gave her a side smile.

She touched your shoulder and walked away, leaving you in the hallway alone. In a few minutes, family members and loved ones would start filing in like they always did after games. But you couldn't keep it in anymore.

Tears flowed out of your eyes. They started slowly, then turned into full-on sobs. You fell to your knees, your legs going weak and no longer supporting your body.

You let down your team. You let down your family. You let down your country. and most importantly to you, you let down your boyfriend.

He, Jack, and Quinn had taken a practice or two to come watch you play tonight, so you couldn't help but feel even more upset.

All of a sudden, you heard a voice near the end of the hall.

"Y/n?" You heard, recognizing Luke's voice immediately.

You didn't even get the chance to turn around before his arms were around you, one hand rubbing up and down your back, the other holding your head. You let your head fall forward, hiding in the crook of his neck as your tears dampened the skin.

"I'm sorry." You croaked out.

Luke shook his head, "For what? You played amazing."

"I wasn't good enough. You came here for nothing."

He pulled your body away from his, still holding you close. He held your face gently in his hands as he looked at you, his face full of sadness. "You were more than good enough. You got your team on the board. It's not your fault."

You couldn't form anymore words, letting yourself fall completely limp in Luke's arms. His shirt was damp, but he didn't care. All he cared about was you. He shared the same passion for the sport as you, so he knew exactly how you felt. He also knew this is exactly how you would react if this was him.

Eventually, you calmed down. You pulled away from him, admiring his face. He gave you a comforting smile and wiped the straggling tears off your cheeks with his thumb.

"You okay now?" He smirked.

You laughed and nodded, "Yeah, I'm okay. Thank you."

He stood back up, helping you to your feet as well. While you weren't crying anymore, the feeling of failure lingered in your body. Luke took note of this, pulling you pack into a hug. You let yourself relax into it, the hug bringing you nothing but comfort.

"I love you so much. Win or lose, you'll always be worth my time." He told you, placing a kiss on the top of your head.

You hummed, "I love you too. Thank you for coming."

At that moment, you forgot about everything. The only thing that mattered to you was Luke.

Only Luke.

"Get a room!" You heard Jack yell from the other end of the hall, causing you both to roll your eyes.

I was going to upload study buddies pt.2 but it's sitting in the drafts rn bc I can't figure out an ending 💔

hope you enjoyed this one !

<3, J

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