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"Whoa, it smells amazing in here!" Ian exclaimed as soon as we entered the mansion. And he was right; the aroma was delicious. 

I immediately felt my stomach grumble at the scent of fresh basil, cheese, and tomato. It was pizza!

"Did you really make the pizza?" Ian asked, eyes wide with excitement.

"Yes, of course," Sebastian replied proudly.

I was too eager to eat to ask questions, so I simply sat myself down at the table. Sebastian, wearing an apron, was busy making pizza for lunch. 

It was quite a sight. 

Any man who can cook is already a step above the rest in my book.

"But I didn't make any for you; I didn't know you were coming too," Sebastian teased Ian.

"Then I'll just have yours, thank you, Bazz," Ian quipped cheekily.

Once lunch was served, Ian dove right in and took a big bite of pizza, despite Sebastian's warning that it was hot. He blew air and spat some out, and we all laughed. 

And let me tell you, the pizza was top-notch. 

As half-Italian, I should know, hehe.

I thanked Sebastian for the scrumptious meal, and he just smiled in response.

"How come you never make anything for me?" Ian asked playfully, and I could see Sebastian blush slightly. 

Their banter was endless, and it made me wish I had a sibling too. Growing up was lonely despite having Nonna and Nonno; there was no one to play-fight with or talk to in that special sibling way. Seeing them together warmed my heart.

"Elenaaa, are you ready for your surprise?" Ian asked, a wide smile on his face. 

Both Sebastian and I looked at each other, curious about what the surprise could be. Ian leaned in and whispered something to Sebastian, who then grinned.

"Okay, let's do it," Sebastian said, the excitement evident in his voice. We cleaned up in the kitchen and were soon ready to go. 

Sebastian prepared the car, indicating that the surprise was not within walking distance. 

I took the shotgun seat, and Ian excitedly jumped into the back, wedging himself between the two front seats. It reminded me of my own childhood, riding in the car with my grandparents.

We drove for a while, and it felt like we were leaving the town behind. 

After about 25 minutes, Ian covered my eyes from the backseat and asked me to guess what the surprise was. 

I had no clue. "I don't know, what is it?" I asked, smiling.

"Ready? 1...2......3!!!!" he exclaimed, removing his hands from my face to reveal a sprawling ranch with numerous horses. 

"OH, MY GODD," I squealed in delight. 

"I literally just told you like an hour ago that I like horses. How did you.....?" I was speechless, my eyes fixed on the beautiful mares in the distance. 

It was a dream come true.

"This is my Uncle Anton's ranch. He helps at the event by getting his horses to raise money for charity," Ian explained proudly, his eyes shining with excitement.

I quickly got out of the car, my heart racing with excitement, and Ian pulled me towards the ranch, with Sebastian following behind. 

The sight was breathtaking, and my love for horses intensified as I saw them up close. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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