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"ELLIIIIEEEEE, THE FLIGHT IS TODAY, NOT TOMORROW, YOU KNOW," was the first thing I heard as I woke up. 

"I'M READY TO GO, NONNA," I yelled back. Well, not exactly ready. I had to take a quick bath before heading downstairs for breakfast.

I preferred to shower in the evening, but my Nonna was super traditional and insisted on a morning bath before breakfast. 

She was very old school, and sometimes her rules felt overwhelming. But truth be told, I wouldn't have it any other way.

My mom was a serial drinker, and my dad left us when I was very young. Mom kept going in and out of rehab. I vividly recall waking up at 3 in the morning one night to see my mom packing a bag.

When I asked where she was going, she casually replied, 'Oh, I'm just going on a business trip, bub. Go back to bed; I'll be back in a day or two.' 

I knew what that really meant - she had relapsed and needed to go back to rehab.

So, I waited. Days turned to weeks, and weeks turned to months, but she never returned.

That night, Nonna told me she would take care of me from then on. I had hoped my mom would get sober, but after being let down so many times, I stopped hoping.

Nonna and Nonno took me in when I was 10, and I've never looked back since. They loved me deeply, but sometimes, I couldn't help but miss my mom and dad.

I loved Nonna and Nonno, but somehow, I always seemed to cause them trouble. I didn't mean to, but it felt like trouble just found me. I started school two years late, always surrounded by kids two years younger.

Naturally, I finished school when I was almost 20, and I was no star student. I struggled to finish and decided to take a gap year to work under a fashion influencer. 

My grandparents never understood, thinking I was wasting my time.

I understood their concern, but sometimes, it was just frustrating. I never really had friends except for one, Jinny. But she moved away for college, and it's been hard since.

It's been a year since we last met, and she's built a new life with new friends, going out, partying, and living her life. I'm happy for her, but sometimes, I feel left behind. All of this made me feel profoundly lonely.

Anyway, Nonna feels like I get into trouble because I don't believe in God. So, she guilted me into staying and helping out in a church for 6 months. 

I was kinda over my job and the idea of going to Romania for the church thing sounded interesting.

After breaking up with my ex, a year ago I felt a little lonely and top it off I've always wanted to go to Europe. My Nonna is Romanian, and Nonno is Italian. 

Most of the time, I've been around the Italian side of the family, but Nonna's all about her Romanian roots.

She talks about her childhood studying in this church in Sibiu, Romania. She says we've got this old mansion there, right next to her old church, which she's apparently rented out to the church itself. 

I looked it up online, and man, it's gorgeous! Away from all the craziness of Florida. Don't get me wrong, I love Florida but it is chaotic as fuck.

Nonna feels bad she couldn't help my mom as much as she wanted, so she's super watchful over me. But sometimes, she misses stuff, you know, because she's not into tech. 

I've got this decent following on Instagram, posting my fashion stuff.

Learned the ropes working under another influencer. Nonna doesn't really get what I do, though despite me getting decent pay. 

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