"Hmm... interesting. I have another appointment with a patient soon but please have her see me later when she's feeling up to it."

They both nodded.

Work as a hospital personnel is never easy, especially for the nurses.

"Does it hurt?" Ezra held her hands delicately as he blew cool air on her bandaged fingers as if that would magically heal her. It was a cute sight for the other patients and staff in the ward they were in. Naomi pulled her hands out of his hold, trying not to blush with the way people were looking at them.

She chuckled softly and placed her free hand on his shoulder. "I'm fine Ezra. Don't worry about me. Now please can you give me some breathing space?" She tilted her head. Truly, Ezra stood so close to her in his state of worry that she could smell the soap he used to bathe on his body.

He sighed. "I'm sorry. That was definitely unprofessional and unethical. I don't know what came over me."

"No sweat. Let's call it nursing reflexes."

"Yeah." Ezra said with a forlorn look. It wasn't any nursing reflex but he wouldn't tell her that otherwise Naomi would run away from him in order to avoid any awkwardness among them and in the workplace. Ezra couldn't afford to jeopardize their friendship. And besides, these feelings only recently developed.

"Hey lovebirds." Nurse Joana said, waltzing in with Patricia who looked like she hadn't slept a wink for three days straight. Joana dropped the broken items from patient A3 in the bin before going to the counter to settle down. "How's your hand?"

Naomi looked down at her fingers. Luckily it wasn't a deep cut but it hurt a lot nonetheless. She couldn't afford losing more blood after offering hers to the patient. "It's much better now. Thanks for asking."

"I'm extremely tired, I don't even want to move anymore. I'm looking forward to spending this weekend with my hubby curled up in bed and watching Netflix movies." Patricia dropped her head down for a quick nap. She'd been having double shifts all week and it was taking a toll on her.

Ezra knocked her head, not too hard though. "As if that's what you two will be doing in bed all day."

Joana gave him a high five while laughing loudly. Naomi just stood there uncomfortably. She didn't like talking about sexual activities that the opposite gender entertained themselves with because she very much had zero experience and wasn't married like Joana or Patricia who seemingly had no qualms talking about that subject at work.

"You two have made Mimi uncomfortable now." Patricia pointed out. They took to calling her Mimi whenever they wanted her to feel like the last born of the group, innocent and without any blame. If only they knew.

"How's the patient doing?" Ezra switched the topic for which Naomi was grateful for.

"Doctor Ahmed was able to sedate him before things got worse. I pity him, he looks like he's been through some kind of abuse or loss. It's a miracle he's still alive."

"It's God's work, my dear." Naomi said.

"Where did you find him?" Joana asked inquisitively. She abandoned the form she was filling to give her full attention to Naomi.

Naomi narrated how she'd been driving home from work when she felt a stir in her spirit to park her car along the road in an unfamiliar street. She was really doubtful and scared as her faith was still in the beginning stage and she wasn't sure what God wanted her to do but trusted his ways. She held her torch, walking down that path until the tarred road became red sand and the shrubs got more messy, replaced with overgrown weed until she sighted a magnificent building not far from her.

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