First Few Days

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(Me)owscarada: HAHAHAHAAAA That's what GirlExtremityShipping is: Misty x Melody x Casey! And DarkVineShipping is Gary x Paul x Zoey . . . Oh crap. I need to get her here. Hang on, I'll do it, keep enjoying the story.

Layout: Misty, Melody, and Casey share a room; May, Dawn and Chloe share one; Iris, Dot and Liko share one; Lillie, Lana and Mallow share one; Marnie, Zoey and Bonnie share one. If there are more I'll add to them.

May: Oh great. I share a room with the Dusk Lovebirds. This is going to be fun. And - *interrupts Dawn and Chloe arguing* - I'm claiming the top bunk.

Dawn: No fair!

Chloe: Dusk, calm down. It's going to be fine, I'll just share a bed with you sometimes.

May: Ooo - 

Chloe: *turns the same shade of pink as her hair* May, I can easily tell Dawn what happened between you and Drew - 

May: *turns red* Ok, ok. You two are cute is all.

Camera pans to Marnie and Bonnie's room

Bonnie: Uh, is it ok to say that you're kind of scary?

Marnie: *snarls, but then remembers* You want this Pokepuff?

Bonnie: Really? Thanks! *takes Pokepuff and gobbles it*

Marnie: Heh. She reminds me of Morkepo . . . Morpeko.

Bonnie: You know, you're not all that bad.

Marnie: Thanks! *interrupted by another entrance: just a bit more violent. Don't worry, it ended up in the ceiling being broken and Zoey facedown with cracks in the floor*

Marnie/Bonnie: *looks up to find (Me)owscarada* WHY??!

Me: Sorry for the late delivery! Now I need to scram!

Zoey: *groans and looks up* Who are you guys?

Marnie/Bonnie: *slaps foreheads*

Camera moves toward Iris, Liko and Dot's room

Iris: Liko, is it true that your pendant is - *bleeped out for spoiler purposes*

Liko: Yup! And it's really cool at that.

Dot: I'm a famous Poketuber.

Iris: Yeah, you have nice tutorial videos. *smirks*

Dot: *growls*

Liko: Ok, Nidodot, calm down calm down calmdowncalmdown! We don't need to create more enemies on the first day here!

Iris: Nice mothering skills.

Liko: Thanks!

Camera pans to the Alolan Girls' room

Lillie: How you guys doing?

Mallow: Great!

Lana: Can you tell us the story of your first crush slash kiss again?

Lillie: . . . Ok.

Mallow: I haven't heard this, is it good?

Lillie: *tears starting to well up, she wipes them away* Most of it.
Ok, so for the summary, I fell in love with this girl called Selene, and I had no idea she liked me back. I just lived out most of my childhood fearing that she didn't feel the same way. However, during a dance when I was 10, she asked me to dance with her. I was too stunned to speak, but she could sense my answer somehow, and we danced the rest of the, well, dance away.
Then, outside, she looked toward the sea and then to me, then said, "Have I ever told you I wanted my first kiss to be right here?" And before I could find words to respond, she just . . . kissed me. Right then and there.
We started dating, but as soon as we turned 11, the magic begun to fade. And . . . *tears well up* We got into this . . . argument . . . and at the end she yelled that she wished she'd never seen me again . . . A-and then she . . . she just - *interrupted by Mallow hugging her*

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