Alright! Here we go!

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Me: *Appears in all my glory as a Meowscarada (the one shown above)* Hello everyone! I'm just here for the surveillance and storyline, but I'm the reincarnation of the author. She would've appeared as a Swampert, but . . . well . . . 

Crash!  Voice: Oh come on, Raichu! I told you not to whip the batter too hard!

Me: . . . Uh, there are complications, and her power weakened, so that's fun. Anyway! Here, the cast of characters! Snaps fingers

Misty: Hello guys!

May: Your favorite coordinator reporting!

Dawn: Hey! That's my line, June!

May: IT'S MAY - 

Iris: Will you two shut?

Serena: Hello everyone!

Bonnie: Here's Dedenne!

Mallow: Uh . . . *holds up half-eaten tuna sandwich* Whose is this?

Bonnie: Oh. Dedenne, did you not finish your dinner again?

Lillie: Bonnie, you can't expect an eight-inch tall Pokemon to finish a ginormous sandwich like that. Give it patience and time.

Lana: Ooooh, tuna!

Marnie: *yawns*

Chloe: Marnie, did you pull another all-nighter?

Marnie: *mumbles* Twenty-two day streak . . . 

Liko: *leans over to Dot* Is that natural?

Dot: *leans toward Liko* Yeah. As long as I've known Marnie, she's done that. She used to have a 265 day streak, but then it got broken. Naps didn't count, so she'd just nap for two hours every day.

Melody: *runs in* Sorry I'm late, guys!

Misty: No prob, GF! Now where's my other one?

Casey: *bursts in on a wrecking crane, breaking the ceiling* I CAME IN LIKE A POOOOOKEBAAAAAAAAAAALL, I JUST WANTED TO CAAAATCH THEM AAAAAAAAAAAALLL!!!!

Bonnie: *screams*

Misty: Ah, there you are! Is that the entire cast, grass cat?

Me: It's Meowscarada, but yes, everyone is here as far as I'm concerened. Now, let the fun and games begin!

Oh yeah, editor's note all characters will be 12 in this book unless otherwise stated.

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