YEAR 3, CHAPTER 6 - Malfoy and Hogsmeade:

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chosen girl
emma golbach x harry potter
year 3, chapter 6

It was the day of everyone's second trip to Hogsmeade. Snow fluttered slowly outside the castle, covering the grounds in a thin blanket of snow.

Emma stood in another full-XPLR outfit, hair plaited in two down her back. She stood beside Harry, who was out of the hospital wing but still - sadly - not allowed to go.

"You sure you're alright?" Hermione asked, getting ready to leave with the others.

"I'll be fine," Harry waved her off. Emma hugged him before stepping back.

"See you later, Harry James Potter."

"See you later, Emma Elizabeth Golbach."

Emma smiled softly. Harry was the only person allowed to call her by her full name - other than family.

"You guys just go," he assured them all. "I'll be in the common room."

"Have fun, Haz," Emma told him. "Don't get into trouble."

"Yes, mum," he was lying, though.

As soon as Emma, Hermione and Ron went out of sight, he went and grabbed his invisibility cloak. He pulled it on, beginning to sneak from the castle - trying to avoid Minnie.

He was determined to get in this time round.

He slipped past Fred and George, frowning when he realised they were grinning at him. He was...

Oh. Footprints.

Harry cursed himself and went faster. They weren't going to stop him. The twins followed him, heading around the raven-haired teenager and grabbing his arms. Harry yelped.

"Hello, Harry," Fred and George chimed as they dragged him away.

"Let me go! I'm trying to get to Hogsmeade!" He protested.

"We know."

They pulled him to an empty corridor and took the cloak off him. Harry reached their vision and frowned.

"What are you-"



"Well, Harry," George begun. "We wanted to give this to you for Christmas..."

"...but it looks like you need it now," Fred finished.

"What?" The younger boy repeated.

George grinned and pulled out some parchment, handing it to Harry. He scoffed.

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