YEAR 3, CHAPTER 2 - Worst Fear:

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chosen girl
emma golbach x harry potter
year 3, chapter 2

"So," Hermione smirked as the Quartet walked to DADA. "Where were you, Emma?"

"And you, Harry?" Ron added, nudging him.

Emma crossed her arms and kept her head down. Nightmares were a big thing for her - as a Medium. Watching the videos or even being there could set her off.

"Hey," Harry squeezed her arm. "You alright, Emmy?"

The name sent butterflies off in her stomach and she nodded. "Yeah, I'm alright." She turned to Hermione. "I watched one of my Dad's videos, they went to the Conjuring again. I'm just recovering from it."

Her eyes widened and she nodded. "Sorry Em."

"Nah," Emma waved it off. "It's fine."

They reached the classroom and filed in.

"Repeat after me: Ridikulus!"

"Ridikulus!" The students chimed back.

Professor Lupin had explained the lesson, and Emma was nervous. What was her greatest fear?

An idea came to her and she almost screamed out loud, covering her mouth with her hand and beginning to tremble. Surely not...

Harry noticed and side-hugged her. "Hey, you alright there Gracie?"

"M-my g-greatest fear...I don't think-"

He spun her so she faced him. "Emma Elizabeth Golbach, you are the bravest person I know. You didn't back down when we - somehow we - faced Voldemort. You didn't back down when you knew if you went to reveal what the Basilisk was you'd get petrified, you did it anyway. You've got this."

She nodded, wiping her eyes. "Y-yeah. I got this."

"Miss Golbach!" Lupin called and Emma spun around.

"Emma," she said softly as she walked forward.

Just as she feared, the boggart turned into Sallie, possessing Sam. She went pale as the version of her Dad went through what Caroline Perron did. Being scratched by Sallie, thrown across the room. Kids gasped and ran back as it happened. Sallie continued to do this until-

"RIDIKULUS, YOU LITTLE BRAT!" Emma yelled, tears down her cheeks.

Sallie was expelled from Sam and the vision changed to see Sam holding a baby Emma on his hip, singing to her as he danced around their living room.

Emma, recognising the lyrics, sang along.

"That's what I'm here for, say anything,
You can say anything,
'Cause I've been there!
Hang in there baby, things are crazy but I know your futures bright!
Hang in there baby there's no maybe everything turns out alright!
Sure life is up and down but trust me it comes back around,
You're gonna love who you turn out to be."

Emma sprinted backwards to allow Neville to finish the boggart off.

She reached Harry, who embraced her tight.

"That was Sallie possessing your dad, wasn't it?" He asked softly.

"Almost killing him it was," she confirmed. The lesson ended and Emma grabbed her phone as they walked out, she texted her dad.

I need to call you.

He did respond. Now, you could do a FaceTime? We're doing a video with Nate and Seth.

She FaceTimed him, pushing Harry from frame as she stood against a wall. "Hey everyone!"

"Emma!" Nate and Seth cheered.

"What's up, Bub?" Sam asked.

"We did some fear stuff, I just needed to hear your voice," she sighed in relief. "Thank you."

"Of course, hon. Love you."

"Love you too, Dad."

April speaks:
Emma and Sam's relationship >>>>

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