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Hey bit of a late update sorry :)

Alright answer to the questions.First up question 1:-

"what would you rate free's stadium?"

Easy 10.

Question 2:-

"Which bey club would you like to join?"

Everyone must have chosen this, it's BC SOL.

Then question 3:-

"Which season was the worst in your opinion?"

No hate but beyblade burst quaddrive was kinda disappointing when it was meant to be the end of the beyblade burst series.Glad we got quadstrike.

Y/n's pov

We just finished our training...the desire of just sleeping the rest of day is big but another desire is even bigger.Yep..I'm been waiting all day for this.As I make my way through the forest, I finally arrived at the stadium where the one and only, free de la Hoya is training.

"you came..." he said.

" came to draw.." I repliedz as I make my way to him.

"yeah, came to draw you free!" athena teased.

"The stadium! I came to draw the stadium!" I blushed.

"hey..why are you already flustered? "
Free teased.

" reason." I said while avoiding eye contact.

"no need to be so stress...(pats y/n's head) make yourself at home, I'll be back soon..." free said before leaving, he smirked at how flustered I got from his touch.

As free left I touch the spot he patted me, happy of the warmth and comfort he's giving me

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As free left I touch the spot he patted me, happy of the warmth and comfort he's giving me.With my heart still beating fast and my cheeks slightly red, I made my way to the stadium.

The stadium had white,musty pillars along with lush, green bush twirled around each column.I walked around it, soon finding the perfect angle to work at.I sat against a tree and prepared to draw.

I quickly started with the base structure,then with the pillars when I suddenly heard rustling.This time I wasn't scared though, I simply looked at the direction the sound from and here it came, our little prankster deer.

"hey bud." I said as I stood up.

It came towards me and tilted it's head as usual.I giggled a bit before petting it.I then sat back to draw and the deer also sat down a few feet away from me.

"Want to keep me company huh?" I said as it tilted it's head to the left, looking adorable as ever.

"Ok, I'll take that as a 'yes'." I said.

"Hey don't worry, your crush will also be here to keep you company." athena teased.

I simply sighed, athena has beening teasing me since morning to no end and it has been getting pretty annoying.I was thinking of leaving her in my dorm but-

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