Ch 7-sorry

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Y/n's pov

It is nearly night as I enter the forest.
The sun's last rays shined through out the forest, making it even more beautiful.As I got further I thought of all events that occurred within this short time. My arrival at BC SOL, entering the same team as valt and Honcho and meeting free.

As I thought of free, I remembered yesterday's drawing session with free sudden arrival.Then our battle today where I kept getting distracted.I sighed, feeling disappointed of that battle.

I continued walking a bit more and
without realizing it, I arrived at the same spot where I drew the deer.

"ohh! Want to see free huh? I thought you wanted to take things off your mind." athena teased.

"I didn't intentionally walked here..."

"sure.Anyways what are we here for exactly? We should hurry, it's about to get dark soon."

"right...i just wanted to say sorry..."

"huh? Why?!"

"well, I feel like I let you down..."

"Is it because of the battle with free? Come on we did our best y/n..."

"but I wasn't! I was more focus on free than the battle... Even with you by my side I kept getting zoned out... I let you down... "

"No you didn't! I did....I kept bothering you with these thoughts of free.If I actually focused and helped you keep your cool against him we could have won."

"No,it isn't your fault.Actually I would have been distracted by free even if you didn't bother me with your naughty thoughts.I feel like I...."

"no need to finish it, I like him.."

"well, I don't know....I kinda have mix feelings about this.It's not that I don't like him, I definitely do.But deep inside I keep having these thoughts, that do I truly-"

"love him?"


"I know that you are attracted to him but seems like you are still unsure about your feelings for him. Maybe you should spend more time with him, try to get to know him better and find if what you're feeling is truly love."

"maybe you are right...Thanks a lot athena, you are the best. "

"well if I got the best owner then I'll need to be the best.Don't you think so?"

"Thanks for these encouraging words. I promise you that this won't happen again.Our next fight with free will be a fair one without any distractions. I'll give it my all with you by my side."

I got up and started making my way back as it was getting dark.That's when I heard rustling from behind, I quickly turn around and there it stood with its adorable eyes!

That's when I heard rustling from behind, I quickly turn around and there it stood with its adorable eyes!

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