Who's That Chick

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The time on my phone reads as I pick it up to check for messages from Tristan. I turn my ringer on before putting it in my purse in case she says anything.

I've been sitting and waiting at the bar of the restaurant she told me to meet her at for 35 minutes now. 7:10pm is what she said. I sigh, tracing the small scratches on the polished dark wood with my finger. She's late half of the time, so you would think I would kind of expect it by now, which I do in a way, but of course it's a little annoying.

I feel a hand on my shoulder causing me to turn around to see Tristan with a smile on her face.

"Hey sorry I'm late" she says going in for a hug. I can smell her soft cologn that she usually wears. Not too strong, still masculine smelling but not too much, a little flowery, it's nice.

We pull away from each other before sitting back down. "Oh actually Tristan we should go sit at our table over there." 

"Let's order some drinks first, I mean we already got the table, whats the rush. What did you say you like to drink again?"

The rush is that I've been here for almost 40 minutes already plus I'm hungry.

But I don't say that.

"Nothing heavy on a regular day. Just wine like Stella Rose or something which they don't seem to have here."  "Awe yeah Stella rose is so good-" a phone call enterupts her.

She takes her phone out of her pocket then looks at up at me. "It's my boss again, I'll just see what's up real quick then I'll be right back, okay?"  "Okay hurry back" I say as I rest my head in my left head.

"Alright" she kisses my cheek before walking off into the bathroom.

Another wait.

I turn my tall rotating bar stool chair around which faces most of the restaurant. I usually wouldn't even do that in a room with only 10 people but, I'm in a different mood tonight. I look down at my hands fiddling with my ring, then rubbing the fabric of my knee length halter dress together between my fingers.

Tristan and I aren't technically together but we've been seeing other for a little over a month. I don't usually go for studs but I'm expanding my horizon. I like her a lot actually.

I look back up and I can kind of see out side through the glass that makes up the wall of the entrance.

Multiple people walk along the wide side walk in front of the building, but one looks into the restaurant as she walks, but slows down. Almost seems like she's looking, at me? But it's hard to tell. She stops in front of the first door. You can see the people out there, but hardly since its light inside and dark outside, meaning that at night they can see inside clear as day. She opens the door and enteers, then walks through the second.

As soon as I get a good view of her, I can't look away. She has an amazing facial structure. She has on baggy cargos, white shoes, an oversized navy blue shirt with red and white striped around the neck and bottom. As big as her clothes were, they seemed to be made to fit her just right.

Her curly dark hair was down in a middle part, tattoos, gold necklaces, braclets, rings. A little makeup and nails done. Such a gorgeous face, just my type of pretty.

Before I know it, she's walking up to me causing my nerves shoot up. All I can do is stare at her as she makes her way over.

She sits down next to me and I turn to her.

"What's your name? I'm Ash"  she flashes me the prettiest smile exposing her pearly whites and shiny teeth caps. Even her voice is attractive. Womanly but different. She sounds gay, if you get what I mean.

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