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"Felix, hurry! I need that water!" She's starting to freeze over again, hurry!"

Hauling ass, Felix brings three pales of hot water. We started working on her quickly, pulling the ice chunks off of her again. It seemed that she was being frozen in place like an ice cube. We've been doing this for hours, nonstop. My fingers were going numb from them being so cold pulling off the chunks off of her body. The sword was almost completed, we just needed the last piece to finish it. I prayed that she could make it and have the piece soon. That she would get Nala back and raise hell with everyone for what they have done. 

Damn, I wish she was done. I know that I'm going crazy without her and I can only imagine what Felix is going through. Even taking care of her body was exhausting. Mentally and physically. Watching my best friend go through this and there was nothing we could do from the other side to help. Only making her safe as possible on this side. It just didn't seem like I was doing enough to help her.

"What do you think is happening to her?" Felix asked.

"I don't know, whatever it is, it's really bad. It seems like whatever is happening; they are trying to freeze her. I've never seen anything like this before Alpha. I'm sorry I can't give you the answers you want to hear. I wish I knew more but again I haven't gotten that far in my studies yet."

"I don't think there is anything about this Julia. I've never read or heard anything about something like this." Felix said with a sad tone.

Looking down at Vixen's body; she was breathing heavy, cough. Then coughing really hard. Blood was coming out of her mouth, going everywhere; her left leg starting bleeding with a puncture wound on the front and through the back of her left leg. Blood was going everywhere again.

"What the hell by the Moon Goddess is happening to her! Baby you need to make it! Get up! Get up! You can do it!" Felix shouts, running into the other room to go get Grim.

My eyes started tearing up, ripping rags that I was using early as quick as I could. Lifting her left leg, the bleeding slowed down a little bit. Wrapping her leg in the rags, tying them as tightly as I can. The boys came rushing back into the chamber.

Grim had something in his hands. Rushing to the table, placing a bowl on the table. Looking down at Vixen, studying her to see what all the chaos was about.

Looking at Vixen, she suddenly got a nasty graze on her other cheek. Honestly, I didn't know how much more I was going to be to handle and she still had one left. This was all insane. Why did the fates have to go to so many extremes for these challenges? Why couldn't they just leave it be?

Then there was a light that was glowing lightly like the night sky. Looking next to Grim, the bowl and pitcher disappeared, leaving two round, float orbs, with liquid in them. The colors were beautiful. It was magical.

"By the Moon Goddess! She did it again! That a girl! Get'em. Show them you can do this and show no mercy to anyone! It's almost time." Grim says excitedly.

"Look, she got the eyes of the dragon that holds the oil we need and the water to cool it down. Alpha, you have quite the mate. You better hold on to her or I might take her myself." Give Felix a wink. Making everyone smile at the joke.









The Consequences of Saving a Alpha and Luna.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя