"Kim and I were getting the last things together for the election. He's pretty excited for this." (Y/n) told her, a small smile tugging on her lips. "And just because me, you, and Alya are friends doesn't mean I'll go easy on you guys. Kim wants to win so I'll do my best to help him."

"I wouldn't want special treatment anyway. I want to win fair and square."

"Good, may the best person win."

The two shared a smile, their competitiveness shining through for a moment. Before their attention was directed elsewhere, the door to Marinette's room bursting open.

"You would not believe what happened to me!" Alya said, happily barging into Marinette's room before pausing a moment. Her excitement dying down a bit as her eyes met (Y/n)'s and then turning to Marinette. "Oh, hey (Y/n), didn't realize you were here."

"Yeah, Marinette asked if I wanted to go to the performance tonight with her." Alya gave Marinette a small look, impressed that the girl that once stumbled over her words and could hardly be in (Y/n)'s presence now had the guts to ask (Y/n) to hang out. Even be in the same room with (Y/n) without freaking out.

Marinette shyly shrugged at Alya, her cheeks slightly flushed as her eyes unconsciously fell on (Y/n). Ever since their talk about the embarrassing voicemail Marinette left, Marinette felt at ease with (Y/n). That there didn't need to be this big pressure between them. If anything, it was almost a reminder to Marinette to slow down. To take a breathe and just hang out with (Y/n) as friends. And if it was to develop into something, well Marinette wouldn't be opposed to that, in fact she would explode with sheer joy at the mere thought of it happening.

"Anyway, what happened?"

"Last night, I finally got an interview with Artemis. I thought she forgot she promised me one but she didn't! And it finally happened last night, I am the first journalist to get a scoop on the one and only Artemis Fawn. Can you believe it?!" Alya asked, freaking out as she kept going on and on about it. Showing them the video she got, highlighting every piece as she continued to geek out about it.

"That's amazing, Alya!"

(Y/n) looked on in happiness, seeing one of her friends bursting at the seams. Truthfully, (Y/n) was waiting for the right moment to do the interview. She needed to find a night where it was unbroken peace, where she didn't have to worry about an akuma attack or anything else from her personal life. And last night happened to align perfectly, one small letter was it took to get Alya's attention. And the rest of the night was spent answering questions from the aspiring journalist.

"I know right! No one else has gotten the scoop yet on her. And she barely sticks around for journalists. I might have to start a new blog now, just for her."

"Why don't you rename your blog? It doesn't just have to be about Ladybug, you could feature all the heroes of Paris. They all deserve the same love and attention, right?" (Y/n) suggested, as touched as she was, she didn't quite need all that. But more than anything, it felt like the news were mainly focused on herself or Ladybug, most almost ignoring Cat Noir. Like they wrote him off as more of sidekick than anything. She wanted to change that around, so the trio was equals than opposites.

"I could...that might work. I could have a page for each hero."

And there it was, a small nudge in the right direction that would easily change some perspectives around. Now it was only a matter of time before journalists chased after Cat Noir too. He deserved that much.

"Thanks for the idea, (Y/n)!"

"Anytime." The ideas were already flowing through Alya's head, the nights ahead might be long. But they would be worth it, maybe even generate even more traffic to her website.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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