Origins: Stoneheart Part 1

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The teenage girl strolled down the streets of Paris, soaking in the familiar atmosphere of the city. The aroma of freshly baked goods filled her nose while the peacefulness she so dearly missed soothed her soul. She missed this place, more than she could ever imagine.

And (Y/n) would do anything to make sure she stays as long as possible. (Y/n) just needed a break from this life she tried to grow used to. As hard as she tried, the teen knew that the constant moving was never going to be a life she liked much less grow accustomed to.

The pictures and videos (Y/n) took helped a bit, allowing to capture the scenery and the people she knew from each place she's ever been. At least then (Y/n) could look back on the memories she made and actually feel like for a short time she felt like she belonged somewhere.

Shaking those thoughts from her head, (Y/n) looked out to the city she loved; deciding to take her first picture back of the its most famous landmark. The setting was just right: the sun in just the right position as the crowds parted at just the right moment. Lifting up the camera that hung around her neck, (Y/n) looked through the lens she known ever since she was young and snapped a few pictures in a row.

It was perfect.

Though she guessed this was a good of time as any to head to school. As much as she hated the very concept, it's was probably best she wasn't late on the first day. First impressions lasted lifetimes after all.


"Adrien, please reconsider. You know what you're father wants." Adrien didn't want to look back or really care about what Nathalie had to say about his father. All he wanted was to feel like a normal teenage boy for once. One who wasn't hounded by fans everytime he showed his face in public or one who didn't need to live such a sheltered life. He just needed to one thing that wasn't a result of his father, even if that meant he had to run away just to go to school for a day.

Still, Adrien couldn't help but look back and try to retaliate, meeting his assistant's stern eyes.

"But this is what I want to do." A troubled groan from afar caught his attention, seeing an old man deperately reaching for his cane. As close as Adrien was, he couldn't just leave someone who needed help. Even if it meant he had to give up a dream or at least a glimpse of a normal teenage life. So the next thing Adrien knew was he was handing the old man his cane and the entrance to the school was blocked.

And right as he was about to head back to the silver car that carted him around with his head hung low, Adrien felt a tug on his wrist. He turned to see a girl about his age with (h/c) hair that hung at her shoulders, a few red streaks running through her locks. She offered him a small smile before leaning in closer to prevent any open ears from listening in.

"Sorry, this probably seems strange to you. But do you need help? I just happened to see everything and might know a thing or two about making a swift getaway."

Adrien looked into her kind (e/c) eyes, ones that held no ultearior motives. And as much as he wanted to take her hand and run away, the blonde knew he shouldn't. It would probably only make matters worst.

"It's alright."

"Well, although I don't believe that at all, I'll let it go just this once. But if you ever want to chat or vent about your problems just shoot a text. Call if your heart so desires, it doesn't matter." (Y/n) said, as she scribbed her number on a loose piece of paper and handed it to Adrien. He looked grateful, giving her one of his signature smiles. Though she knew his name and of his fame, (Y/n) couldn't care less about that. She could see it in his eyes, ones clouded by distraught and longing, he was just like anyone else. That's all she really cared for. "Until then, I'll be waiting Adrien Agreste."

Ripples | Miraculous Ladybug x Reader |Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora