MARK: I really like it here, Amber. I could see myself going to school with you.

AMBER: (smiling) That's sweet, Mark, but you know you need better grades if you want to get in here.

Mark looks at her seriously.

MARK: I'm serious, Amber. I want to make this work.

Amber leans in to kiss Mark, but they are interrupted by William and Rick.

WILLIAM: Hey guys, what's up?

RICK: Yeah, we were just about to grab some lunch. Want to join us?

Suddenly, there is an explosion from outside, and a cyborg crashes through the wall of the building, holding its head.

CYBORG: (screaming) WHERE IS HE?!

The cyborg starts attacking people, and chaos ensues. William throws soda cans at it to distract it, but the cyborg grabs Rick and starts choking him.

AMBER: (screaming) Someone, please help!

Mark disappears and reappears as Invincible, flying towards the cyborg and punching it away from Rick.

WILLIAM: (in shock) Holy shit, that's Invincible!

INVINCIBLE: (to William) Run, William! Get everyone out of here!

Invincible and the cyborg continue to fight, causing destruction throughout the campus. Y/n, who had been nearby, hears the commotion and rushes over to help.

Y/N: (into his communicator) I need backup, now!

As Invincible struggles against the cyborg's strength, Y/n arrives and uses his powers to blast the creature away from him.

Y/N: You okay, Invincible?

INVINCIBLE: (panting) Yeah, thanks for the help.

The cyborg gets back up and attacks Y/n, but Invincible manages to lift up its mask, revealing a human face underneath. The cyborg screams in horror and kills itself.

AMBER: (running up to Mark) Mark, are you okay?

MARK: (panting) Yeah, I'm fine. What the hell just happened?

WILLIAM: (staring at Mark) Dude, you're friends with Invincible?

MARK: (nervously) Uh, yeah, I guess you could say that.

AMBER: (confused) Wait, what? How do you know him?

MARK: (hesitant) It's a long story, Amber.

AMBER: (frustrated) Mark, we need to talk about this.

The group starts to walk away from the destruction, with Mark and Amber in a tense conversation.

Y/N: (to himself) Well, that could've gone better. But at least William recognized Invincible.


Mark rushes over to William who is still in shock, his eyes wide open.

MARK: William, hey, are you okay?

WILLIAM: (stammering) I-I can't believe it. You''re Invincible.

MARK: (calmly) Shh, not so loud, okay? Just take a deep breath and calm down.

Mark pats William's shoulder and walks away, leaving Rick to approach William.

RICK: (concerned) Hey, are you alright?

WILLIAM: (nodding) Y-yeah, I think so.

Rick pulls William into a hug, much to William's surprise.

RICK: (grateful) Thank you for saving me back there.

William blushes slightly, enjoying the hug. Mark walks back over, this time as himself.

MARK: Hey guys, the police are on their way.

AMBER: (furious) Mark, where the hell were you? We could have been killed!

MARK: (lying) I ran to get help.

AMBER: (disbelieving) You expect me to believe that? You're never here when we need you. Eve was wrong about you, and I was wrong about you too.

Mark looks hurt, but before he can respond, D.A. Sinclair approaches the group, fuming.

D.A. SINCLAIRE: (angry) This is unacceptable. That cyborg could have killed us all. I swear, the next time someone threatens my life, I won't leave their frontal lobe intact.

D.A. Sinclair glares at Rick, making him flinch. Y/n steps forward, standing between D.A. Sinclair and Rick.

Y/N: (defensive) Back off, man. Rick didn't do anything to you.

D.A. Sinclair sneers at Y/n before walking away. The group begins to disperse as the police arrive on the scene. Mark watches as Amber walks away, still upset with him.

Next scene

As Mark and William enter their room, William breaks down into sobs, still in shock from the day's events. Mark tries to comfort him, but he can tell his friend is traumatized. He glances over at Amber's door, wanting to talk to her, but decides against it for now.

Meanwhile, Y/n is back at the GDA headquarters, helping to clean up the aftermath of the attack. He can't believe how close they came to losing Mark and William. As he's sorting through debris, he comes across Sinclair's severed robotic arm.

Y/N: (muttering to himself) This guy is seriously fucked up.

Just then, Cecil walks over to him.

CECIL: Y/n, I need you to help me with something. We've got some of the humans Sinclair experimented on, and they're in rough shape.

Y/N: (nodding) Of course, I'll do whatever I can.

The two of them head to the medical wing, where Y/n uses his Viltrumite abilities to help stabilize the patients. It's a long and grueling process, but Y/n refuses to give up.

Back in Mark's room, William has finally calmed down enough to talk.

WILLIAM: (sniffling) I just keep seeing that cyborg's face, and Sinclair cutting into my arm...

MARK: (sympathetic) Hey, it's okay. You're safe now. You were so brave out there.

WILLIAM: (wiping his eyes) I just wish I could have done more to help you.

MARK: (smiling) You did more than enough. You saved Rick, and you helped me take down Sinclair.

As the two friends talk, Mark realizes that he needs to come clean to Amber about his secret identity. He knows it won't be easy, but he can't keep lying to her.

Y/N finishes up at the GDA and heads back to his own room, exhausted but satisfied that he was able to make a difference. He thinks about Mark and the difficult conversation he's about to have with Amber, and hopes that everything works out for his friend.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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