The Magic Is In The Air

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The Magic Of Love...
It can never be denied or resisted...
The Magic is in the air,
even if you don't know it yet...
My love, you're the one and only man who has seen me cry...
Your honesty and respect...
Your love and happiness every time I feel when we talked about our day...
Love is in the air...
The Magic in the air,
Little fireflies dancing around us throughout the night...
Laying in a field of wildflowers,
just being in your embrace as we watched the moonrise and the stars that came out...
It reminds me that true love is forever...
It reminds me that no matter where we are,
we'll never be apart...
No matter the distance,
I'm all yours...
My heart is yours to keep...
You're the key to my heart...
I'll forever be yours...
The Magic Is In The Air....
And True Love Is Forever, gravity pulling us together....
The Magic is in the air...
And so is the love....

The Magic Of Love Poetry By Kaylyne Hayford (Slow Updates)Where stories live. Discover now