5 : Teasing And Temptation

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I am extremely sorry for the late update. I was not well from 17th so couldn't update. Mujhe phubbu ( mums) ho gye the which were not healing 😑. Moreover my classes has already started so I am busy there as well.I felt embarrassed to take more vacations after having so many, so I had to continue with college.

Meerab glanced down at her hands, which he was holding, his veiny hands shout strength and defense. She sees beauty in the scarlet bond of marriage and in his hands. Though it is not like no one has ever held her hand before, his hold seems the most secure and powerful. Her hands were trembling as she moved the other one to put it on his. She quickly placed her hand on the bed because she did not want to let him know that she felt weak in his presence. She wonders why her fierce self dies when she tries to start something with him.

Since the first day of their wedding, he has been making an effort to make the environment comfortable. She has seen this and has tried to put in more effort, but she frequently ends up ruining things. When it comes to college life and her naughtiness, she finds it silly to discuss them. While thinking that he would find everything boring, she shrugged when discussing that. She loves watching him smile and converse while he speaks, so she just wants to keep talking to him. When he tries to flirt with her, he looks so good that even though she acts like she is resisting the conversations, she really loves everything that comes from him. Even if it is just a brief discussion about his work in the village that is unrelated to her. The only thing she despises is his fights with the enemy. She is afraid of him dying because he is an important part of her life and she cannot afford to lose him.

When Murtasim saw that she was lost in her thoughts, he put his hands to his lips and comforted her, telling her, "I am with you. Don't worry. Perhaps you experienced this because this is your first time living away from home", He said that last sentence to help her move on from the incident because he was not going to take it easy. He will not spare the man for frightening his wife, who did not fear anyone. Even if he believes that she is a scared human being, fear of being alone should not be one of those fears because of a guy. She smiled as he moved his other hand to her hair and began to gently stroke it, and she gripped his hand tighter. When she gently rubbed her thumb over his palm, he grinned broadly.

"Maybe but his intentions were not pure either. You are aware that I do not feel uncomfortable around boys, hana? It is normal because I attend college, but even the word "help" sounded strange. Please Murtasim, do not leave me alone here", Meerab pleaded by putting her other hand between his and her own. She pressed his hand between her hands, recalling what happened today.

"Now I am here. Don't worry", he reassured her with a smile. Meerab nodded and took her hand back as his phone began to ring. While Meerab was getting up to heat some food for him, Murtasim excused himself to answer the phone. However, as she was leaving his side, she overheard a brief conversation that upset her. She had anticipated having him stay for at least a week, but he has only been here for about four days. For what reason did he come here? Just for namesake?

"Can't you keep everything hold for a few days? I will be back after 3-4 days", she heard and went to the kitchen. She made him another dosa and reheated the sambhar. Although she does not want to give it to him right now because he hurt her, she cannot become selfish by thinking about herself. Since she asked to live apart from him and requested freedom, why is she acting restless now? As far as she recalls, she had never felt particularly connected to him. Why is his departure hurting her? She is a good wife, so why is she getting so angry? After turning off the gas, she recalled how happy she used to get when her mother made dosa for her when she was a child. She let a tear roll down her cheek as she thought back on her lifelong, priceless memories of her parents. She soon felt his chin resting on her shoulder as he put his hand over hers.

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