1 : Decision

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Meerab is cooking in the kitchen making breakfast for Murtasim. They got married a month ago and this marriage is not looking very complicated like her friends told her about. She was not inclined to marry but when her father asked her to marry him, she couldn't reject it. She had no excuse to deny it when she knew someday she would have to marry someone.

On the day of her wedding, she felt she was sent to a different world and that world will haunt her daily. At night she was scared to face Murtasim as her mother told her about the duties of a wife and she couldn't deny it. She is an independent girl but the way her mother was talking with her with hopes, she gave up on everything and just accepted whatever they told her to do. But to her utter surprise, Murtasim asked her about her constant and agreed to give her time.

For the past month, they just have a normal conversation whenever they get time and Murtasim is the one who always takes the initiative to start a conversation. It won't be a lie to say that she is loving her married life. Whenever she misses her parents, he takes her to her maternal house and always respects her wishes. There are many maids here but she is having holidays from her college as 2 weeks are still left for her to be admitted to law college.

"Are you thinking about me?", Murtasim asked with a smirk leaning on the door of the kitchen. Meerab looked at him startled as his sudden presence scared her and the pan fell from her hand.

"Careful yar. Are you fine? ", Murtasim said and pulled her away from a hot pan. He sat down and picked up the pan and placed it on the counter. Meerab passed a smile towards him and was about to clean the spilled tea but Murtasim stopped her by holding her hand

"I'm fine Murtasim", Meerab replied with a smile. She felt delighted when she noticed his concern for her

"This is not your work. Cook as much you want to but not this please", Murtasim requested to which Meerab nodded with a smile. She used to feel bored sitting idle that's why she requested to cook in this house. As this contained Meerab's happiness that's why Murtasim allowed it.

"You can leave. I will arrange breakfast", Meerab said but Murtasim shook his head as he didn't want to leave from here. How can he leave a chance to adore her? He loves listening to her beautiful voice and admiring her with his right. He loved her but still couldn't get a chance to tell her that he loved her.

She doesn't know that Murtasim knew her before they agreed to marry. For her, it is an arranged marriage but for him, it is a love marriage. Agreeing with her father was not difficult as he knew Murtasim and his nature.

"I will stay here", Murtasim said and walked towards Meerab and gestured for the maid to clean the kitchen. When the maid left the kitchen and Meerab continued making bread, he stood beside Meerab and started to help her. While helping her his hand slightly touched her fingers sending shivers through his body. He took his hand back and gestured for her to leave. When Meerab left the room, he kissed his fingers which touched her and blushed thinking about her. This marriage and her presence are looking like s dream to him. He always tries to make the environment comfortable for her and tries to keep her happy. Her one smile makes his day and he loves these small moments which he spends with her.

He doesn't know what Meerab feels for him but he loves her in every sense. He walked behind her and noticed her standing near the table waiting for him. He sighed as he always asks her to sit when he is not here and start eating but she never listens to him which hurts him as he doesn't want to see her behaving like a typical lady whose world revolves around her husband. He pulled the chair for her and gestured for her to sit.

"I have told you to sit rather than wait for me but you never listen", Murtasim said and sat beside her. Only they are left in this house for this week as Ma Begum and Anwar Chacha went to someone's marriage Mariyam went to her internship in the hospital and Haya went on a trip with her friends.

"Because I love it when you pull the chair for me", Meerab thought while staring into his eyes and looking down to reply because she didn't dare to speak the truth. How she will tell him that she loves these small gestures which he does for her

"It's ok", Meerab replied and filled her plate whereas Murtasim filled his plate and started having breakfast

"So when are you joining college? And from the hostel or here?", Murtasim asked while having his tea as he finished having bread. He looked into her eyes for an answer as he didn't want her to leave but he couldn't even stop her otherwise her mood would be off and his as well.

"I'm thinking about it Murtasim because from here I need to travel for 1½ hours daily. That means I will waste 3 hours so I... I'm confused", Meerab replied as she was very confused. She wants to stay with this family and continue her studies but at the same time, she is concerned about her studies also because it will indirectly waste 3 hours which she can't afford. If she stayed in a hostel then she have to leave this family and live alone. She is not used to staying alone and that's why she is scared to take this step. How she will do that and how she will live without this family? Or maybe she is just thinking about one particular person. Her husband

"I'm with you in your every decision. I will drop you and pick you up daily if that's the problem", Murtasim replied and held her hand which was placed on the table. Meerab looked at him and her eyes softened. She felt relaxed with his mention that he would be there but she didn't need him there. This will lead him to waste his time daily and she can't afford that

"Murtasim I don't want you to do that. Your time is also precious, you are not my driver", Meerab replied

"I'm your husband and I would love to drop you. You are my responsibility ", Murtasim replied to which Meerab nodded still thinking about her decision as she was thinking of living in a hotel or a flat. As she is married that's why she can easily get a room in society too. She thought about it for some time and cleared her throat to gather his attention

"Can I continue my studies at the hostel? Murtasim studies are difficult and I can't waste 3 hours traveling. I can't lose my dream", Meerab replied trying to justify herself so that he would allow her to continue staying away from him. She noticed his face fell with the mention of leaving but she is finding it difficult to handle everything from there. She placed her hand on his which had been holding her hand for a long time

"Can I?", Meerab asked


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