47. Shadowbane

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As Luca and Aiden stand victorious amidst the smoldering remains of their battlefield, they exchange words of praise and mutual respect.

"Great job, Aiden. We did it," Luca says, clapping his friend on the back.

"Yeah, we did," Aiden replies, a mix of exhaustion and exhilaration in his voice. "Couldn't have done it without you, Luca."

With a nod and a grin, they turn and make their way out of the volcano, back towards the town they had left behind.

Meanwhile, a mysterious figure, cloaked in shadow, approaches the volcano. His footsteps echo in the silence as he surveys the scene before him. To his surprise, he finds the B rank monster lying slain at the hands of another.

"I see," he murmurs, his voice barely audible above the crackling of the cooling lava.

After several arduous days of travel, Luca and Aiden finally arrive back in town. Weary but triumphant, they make their way through the bustling streets until they overhear a conversation between two residents discussing the rumored demise of the volcano's B rank monster.

As Luca and Aiden enter the town, they overhear a conversation between two residents discussing the supposed slaying of the volcano's B rank monster.

"You hear about that? Some lunatic supposedly took down the monster," one says, chuckling.

"Yeah, right. Like anyone could pull that off," the other replies, equally amused.

The heroes step forward, joining the conversation. "Actually, that was us," Aiden says proudly.

The residents exchange skeptical glances. "Yeah, sure it was," one of them scoffs.

To prove their claim, Luca and Aiden reveal their C rank marks, finally convincing the doubters. One of the residents recognizes their swords and compliments their craftsmanship.

"These are Akuo's work, aren't they?" he asks, impressed.

Luca nods. "Yes, they are. We had them crafted by him specifically for us."

Excited by the news, the residents eagerly lead Luca and Aiden to Akuo's workshop to share the news of their heroic deed. As they relay the tale to the master swordsmith, Akuo's eyes light up with pride.

"Truly remarkable! I'm honored that my blades were wielded in such a feat," he says, beaming with pride.

"So it was you, huh?" a voice calls out from the distance.

The sudden interruption startles Luca and Aiden, causing them to turn in the direction of the voice. Emerging from the shadows is a mysterious figure cloaked in darkness, his features obscured.

"It was me who went to the volcano to slay the monster, only to find out that it was already dead. You're the ones who beat it," the stranger reveals.

Luca and Aiden exchange wary glances before Luca speaks up. "Yes, we were," he confirms. "But who are you, exactly? And how did you think you could beat such a monster?"

The stranger chuckles softly before removing his cloak, revealing his face adorned with two distinctive marks: "Wolf Assassin" and "C Rank Hunter."

"I remember you," Aiden remarks. "You're the one who warned us about the treasure," he adds, recognition dawning upon him.

"How did you know we were searching for it?" Luca inquires, his curiosity piqued.

"I was following you," the Wolf Assassin replies cryptically. "And now that you're here, I'll be taking my leave to claim it before you do. Farewell..."

As the Wolf Assassin prepares to vanish into the darkness, Aiden steps forward, his curiosity getting the better of him.

"Wait," he calls out, his voice cutting through the silence. "What's your name?"

The Wolf Assassin pauses, turning back to face Aiden with a knowing glint in his eyes. With a slow, deliberate movement, he speaks, his voice low and filled with dark allure.

"My name..." he begins, drawing out the words for dramatic effect, "...is Shadowbane."

With those parting words, the Wolf Assassin disappears into the shadows once more, leaving Luca and Aiden with a sense of unease. The name sends a chill down Aiden's and Luca's spine, its dark and mysterious tones matching the enigmatic figure before him.  As his name echoes in their minds, they can't help but shiver, the ominous presence lingering long after he's gone.

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