10. Beyond the Void

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As the trio of victorious hunters stood at the threshold of the forest, Aiden's voice rang out with unwavering determination, echoing through the silent expanse.

"Out of nine hunters, only three passed," he declared, his words carrying the weight of hard-earned wisdom. "Let that be a lesson to us all. Be brave, fight well, and never falter in the face of adversity."

His words resonated with the other hunters, their expressions reflecting a mixture of determination and respect as they listened to his impassioned speech.

"Train hard, surpass your own strength," Aiden continued, his voice filled with conviction. "For only by pushing ourselves to our limits can we hope to achieve greatness."

With those final words of encouragement, Aiden, Riona, and Kaiden followed the Inquisitor out of the forest, leaving behind the void and venturing into the unknown world beyond.

As they emerged into the sunlight, Aiden's breath caught in his throat at the sight that greeted him—a world of breathtaking beauty, filled with vibrant colors and majestic landscapes that stretched out before him as far as the eye could see.

"Welcome to the real world of hunters," Lucas said, a warm smile gracing his lips as he greeted Aiden. "You've made it, my friend. And you should be proud."

Aiden's heart swelled with pride at Lucas's words, his determination renewed by the knowledge that he had finally taken his first steps into the world of true hunters.

Riona approached him, a look of admiration in her eyes as she extended her hand in congratulations. "Well done, Aiden," she said, her voice filled with genuine warmth. "We'll meet again in the future."

Aiden nodded gratefully, his mind already racing with thoughts of the adventures that lay ahead.

But it was Lucas who posed the most pressing question, his eyes shining with anticipation as he looked at Aiden.

"Are you ready to explore the world, Aiden?" he asked, his voice filled with excitement.

Aiden's gaze swept over the breathtaking landscape before him, his heart pounding with anticipation at the endless possibilities that lay ahead.

"I will do whatever it takes to become the greatest," he declared, his voice ringing out with determination. "May the world be prepared for me, for I am coming."

Lucas grinned, a sense of pride evident in his gaze as he clapped Aiden on the shoulder. "I think you're ready after all," he said, his voice filled with confidence.

And with that, the duo set off into the unknown, their hearts filled with excitement and their spirits buoyed by the knowledge that they had overcome the greatest challenge of their lives. Together, they would carve their own path through the world of hunters, facing whatever trials and tribulations lay ahead with unwavering courage and determination.

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