34. The devastating outcome

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In the tense corridors leading to the battlefield, Drake, Maya, Aiden, Kael, and Luca stand ready for the impending fight. The organizer's voice booms, breaking the silence. "Time for our next battle!" he announces.

Aiden notices Gideon and Raelyn on the stage and remarks, "Hey look, we forgot about those guys! It's Gideon and Raelyn." Maya turns to Luca and asks, "Do you think they can win?"

Luca shakes his head. "No," he says bluntly. Kael chimes in, "Let's see how it goes."

Drake, unable to contain his admiration, shouts, "You can do it, you're so beautiful Raelyn!" Raelyn hears him and responds with a blown kiss, leaving Drake flustered but still cheering.

As the organizer's voice rings out again, commanding, "Time to fight," the battle commences, with tensions running high and the fate of the competitors hanging in the balance.

Gideon and Raelyn swiftly move to attack the weaker members of the opposing team, aiming to eliminate them quickly. However, their efforts are thwarted by Murro, who tries to hold back the mysterious guy to prevent him from aiding his teammates. Despite Murro's best efforts, the mysterious guy manages to protect his comrades and block the incoming attacks.

"Damn it," Aiden curses under his breath, frustrated by the turn of events. "I told them to use the same strategy we used. The mysterious guy will be drained out of energy, and eventually, he might lose," Maya remarks, voicing her disappointment.

"Clever," Aiden acknowledges, recognizing the missed opportunity. Meanwhile, Gideon seizes an opening and manages to shoot the mysterious guy with a beam. Drawing his sword, the mysterious guy retaliates, launching a fierce counterattack.

"Murro is a swordsman. So is Gideon, but he also uses other tricks," Kael observes, analyzing the unfolding battle. "On the other hand, Raelyn is employing her unique fighting style, utilizing her agility and speed to her advantage."

"You can do it, Raelyn!" Drake's voice echoes through the corridor once again as Raelyn delivers a powerful kick to the mysterious guy. "I wish I were kicked like that by those legs!" Drake blurts out, feeling flustered as Raelyn blows him another kiss in response.

"Whichever of those two teams win, we're doomed. We will not be able to win the next battle. All of them are strong," Luca remarks solemnly, his expression tense with concern.

"Except the two weaklings on the opposing side," Aiden and Maya interject simultaneously, their voices filled with determination.

Gideon and Raelyn coordinate their attacks effectively against the mysterious guy, landing blow after blow. Meanwhile, Murro attempts to engage the other enemies, but the mysterious guy suddenly vanishes, reappearing to block Murro's attack with alarming speed.

"What just happened!?" Aiden exclaims, his eyes widening in shock at the mysterious guy's swift movements. Suddenly, the mysterious guy lets out a deafening scream, his deep, menacing voice reverberating through the arena as he removes his cloak, revealing his terrifying visage and ominous attire. The crowd falls silent, intimidated by his presence.

Undeterred, Murro desperately continues his assault, pouring all his strength into his attacks. However, the mysterious guy effortlessly knocks Murro to the ground, demonstrating his overwhelming power. Meanwhile, Raelyn and Gideon press on with their assault, but the mysterious guy skillfully blocks each of their strikes with precision and ease.

As Raelyn launches a powerful kick at the mysterious guy, he swiftly seizes her leg and, with a brutal twist, snaps it, causing Raelyn to cry out in pain. Meanwhile, Gideon rushes in, swinging his sword with determination. However, the mysterious guy effortlessly catches the blade mid-swing and, with a powerful grip, shatters it into little pieces, leaving Gideon stunned and weaponless.

As Gideon unleashes a powerful beam, it pierces through the enemy's chest, eliciting a guttural scream of agony from the mysterious guy. In a surge of furious retaliation, he unleashes a devastating blow that sends Gideon to the ground, defeated.

The crowd erupts into a mixture of shock and awe at the intense battle they've just witnessed. The organizer's voice booms through the arena, declaring the victorious team's advancement to the final round.

Gasps of astonishment ripple through the crowd as they witness the mysterious guy's incredible display of strength and skill. The arena falls into a tense silence as spectators watch in horror at the devastating outcome of the battle.

Shadows of Ascension Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora