29. The Preparation

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Two days passed swiftly, filled with intensive training and meticulous preparation. The competitors, healed and rejuvenated in the specialized hospitals of the tournament, honed their skills and strategized for the battles ahead.

As the appointed time for the next round approached, the participants gathered once more in the arena, anticipation crackling in the air like electricity. The organizer of the tournament stepped forward, his voice commanding attention as he addressed the assembled hunters.

"Now, let us proceed to select the teams for the next round," he announced, his words punctuated by the murmurs of the crowd. With a flourish, he reached into a container filled with slips of paper, each bearing the name of a hunter.

"First up," he declared, drawing out three slips of paper, "Aiden, Luca, and Drake will face off against another team."

Drake grinned confidently, his enthusiasm infectious as he pumped his fist in the air. "Yo yo yo, I won't let you down this time, guys," he declared, his determination evident in his words.

As Aiden and Luca made their final preparations for the upcoming battle, Aiden's attention was drawn to one of their opponents. He recognized the familiar face of Kael, a fellow competitor from the Void Challenge.

"How are you doing, Kael?" Aiden greeted him, extending a hand in friendship. "Did you manage to pass the challenge after all?"

Kael's expression was somber as he shook Aiden's hand. "No," he admitted quietly, his gaze downcast. "The Inquisitor was right. I wasn't worthy. I'm sorry for fighting you back then. I shouldn't have done that."

Aiden waved off Kael's apology with a reassuring smile. "It's okay," he reassured him. "We've all made mistakes. What matters is what we do moving forward."

Curiosity piqued, Aiden pressed on. "How did you manage to pass the Forest, then?" he inquired, eager to learn more about Kael's journey.

"I just became a C rank," Kael revealed, a hint of pride coloring his voice.

As the teams took their positions and the tension mounted, Aiden couldn't shake the feeling that this battle would be unlike any they had faced before. With newfound respect for his opponent and unwavering determination in his heart, he steeled himself for the challenges that lay ahead.

Drake: "Alright, guys, we can't afford to underestimate these opponents. They're all C rank, just like us."

Drake: "Not me, I guess. I am a D rank, remember?"

Luca: "Agreed. Each of them must have unique abilities and skills that brought them to this level. We need to stay focused and be prepared for anything."

Aiden: "Luca, do you know anything about them? Any information that could give us an edge?"

Luca: "I've heard a bit about them. Our opponents are Kael, Zugo, and Rina. Kael is a skilled swordsman, known for his lightning-fast strikes and agility. Zugo is a master of hand-to-hand combat, with incredible strength and endurance. Rina specializes in ranged attacks, using her bow and arrows with pinpoint accuracy."

Drake: "Sounds like a formidable team. But we've got our own strengths. Let's show them what we're made of!"

Luca: "Remember, teamwork will be crucial. We need to cover each other's backs and exploit any weaknesses they might have."

Aiden: "Got it. Let's give it our all, guys. We've come this far, and we're not backing down now."

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