Prologue + Chapter 1

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An "I Believe in Monsters" ongoing series: Quantum Cab: Volume 1

Each of our lives is a canvas painted with hues of challenges and strokes of personal struggles. Yet, within the art of overcoming, we discover the profound joy of self-discovery. Use each palette to the last drop, because each one could mark the beginning of a new wonderful chapter.

This is for those who should be sleeping, but find renewal in fictional worlds. Glorious Escapism. You'll never guess who you'll run into next. Same roads but different paths may intersect. Thank you for venturing forth into my universe with me.

Just one more page.

Let's Escape together.

PrologueFrom Giant's Shadows to Shoulders

Immobile, yet enduring this solitary statue of grandeur resided in a once thriving city in the memory of a great hero's past. The city had unraveled like a frayed thread for some time now! A colossal duel between giants was to blame. Towering structures became weapons, really anything they could find that wouldn't be fatal. They had honor - well, their own brand of honor. And this statue had the perfect view. Frozen in the moment, completely opposite to what the Hero it was of, Kronis would do. Where was he?

Kronis stood at about 8 feet tall. A flaming mane of "hair" with a glowing X scar between his eyes. The Muscular build coupled with his skull shaped head left many of his adversaries intimidated. This statue had master craftsmanship to it with how it resembled him. However, normal statues can't hear people, right? Let alone this destruction around it.

Upon faintly hearing his name, hearing pleas for help, this urgency and purpose caused cracks to form on the surface of this stony shell! They resembled delicate veins of life spreading across their body. What a spark setting ablaze to this prison giving way to this newfound vitality.

The voices began to boom in his ears! "KRONIS! Help us, PLEASE! Reclaim THE SPLENDOR of your CITY - YOUR PEOPLE!" It couldn't be nothing short of a grand crowd of dozens of people cheering him on. Kronis. It had been so long he nearly forgot his name.

His eyes finally BROKE through the cursed stone, through the haze and indistinct. "MY PEOPLE!"

As his senses cleared he continued, "Fear not, I AM HE-" He paused, having to look down at the "crowd" he had heard. Those dozens of people were simply a dozen kids no older than 10. They looked at him with such excitement - such innocence. A group of CHILDREN freed him from this?

The ground continued to tremble with terrible intensity. Finally he took sight of what had become of his city. He couldn't help but feel the same way inside his chest as the city looked.

"I've - missed a memo or two." Kronis stepped out taking in these troubling surroundings. "Yeah no crap - OW!" A hard ping rang out from one of the kids slapping the snippy one that said that. All the kids were dressed in the same, long white hoodies, fish bowl heads with each different colored glowing eyes to tell each other apart.

Buildings constructed from materials that glistened like polished chrome, once stood as towering testaments of the robot citizens engineering. Neon lights and holographic billboards adorning the streets, casting otherworldly glows over everyone who navigated this once wonderful urban maze.

Kneeling down, Kronis examined the "stone prison" remains of his. "Nanobots..."

"It took us a while to figure out but our teacher found out you never had left us! We used this neutralizer she made to weaken them, called out to you and BOOM!"

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