What a Camera Could Cause

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a/n: i decided to unpublish the other thing, so here it is!

I was walking in the crisp, fall woods. As I walked on the leaves, they crunched. But then I saw a small, blurry figure in the distance. I decided to walk towards it. Every step I took, the clearer it got. The house honestly looked ancient. When I opened the door, it creaked wide open. The inside looked cozy. But it smelled old and musty. The couches were huge and fluffy. As I sat on one, I felt like I was sitting on a woopie cushion with no sound. I spotted a camera on the table. It was shiny, and kind of blinded me. I picked it up and felt it was smooth, with a hint of roughness. The wood of the house looks old and saggy. I get out of the house. It's getting dark now. The sky looks like Bob Ross got paint buckets of red, purple, and blue and mixed it all up. The stars looked like someone sprinkled glitter all over the sky. As I got back home, I fell into a deep sleep.

I woke up in a good mood. I had a new camera! I mean, it was time to ditch my old one because it ran out of space within 35 pictures. I get ready and go downstairs. It smells like bacon. I inhale it deeply.

"Did you sleep well?" My mom asked.

"Yup!" I responded.

"Breakfast is almost ready!"


I finished eating in a snap. What can I say? I was excited! I went to my room and got my camera. I realized it felt really, really heavy. I didn't care though. I went outside.

~~~At the Store :o~~~

I went into the store for some photographic film. And boy, did they have a lot! I grabbed a few packs. Shoot! One pack cost 30 dollars! In each pack there are fifteen. So that means two dollars for one film! Now that's expensive. I bought it anyways. Right when I went outside, I installed the film. I was walking on the downtown sidewalk when a little girl stopped me. She was adorable.

"Hi!" Said the girl.

"Hello! What is your name?" I asked.

"Jane! What's yours?" She responded.

"Anna!" I caught her staring right at my camera. "Do you want a picture?" I ask.

"Yes!" She yelled a little too loud.

I chuckle. 'I really couldn't understand you since you were being so loud, but I'll take that as a yes." I take a picture and hand it to her. I ask her if I can take another picture for a memory. Of course, she said yes. Her personality was as bright as a shooting star.

"See you around!" I tell her.

"You too!" She said while running back to her mom.

I went back home and found my mom in the kitchen. I inhaled the air. It was tang, also. I gasped. Is that what I think it is?

"Hey mom?" I say.

"Yes, it is my famous award-winning Pozole." My mom bragged with hand gestures. I rolled my eyes. My mom won the grand prize in the Pozole Cook-off eight years in a row. That's half my life! And yes, I'm sixteen. SO OLD. I sit at the table and wait for my food. I still can't get over the fact of how good it smells.

"It's ready! "My mom said while licking her lips. My little brother, Ricardo, rushed out of his room with paint all over his hands. My mom looked at him for a minute. "If you're going to eat, you'd better wash up."

"But mom! It's the weekend!" Ricardo wined.

"Do what I tell you to! You know that's what your father would want!" A sad look appears on her face. When I was just six, he went missing. Later that year, the police said they had found his wallet, but they didn't find my dad. That's the reason I was walking in the woods. To find him. I hold my tears back. My brother was only two! I was low spirited when I found out he was missing. I didn't want to go to school, but my mom bribed me.

୨୧ ─── 𝕣𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕠𝕞 𝕤𝕙𝕠𝕣𝕥 𝕤𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕤 !!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang