Truth in the Dark

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As expected, they came as soon as the classes ended. Humans were creatures driven by their curiosity for the unknown. It was the trait that had helped them to become the most dominant species on the planet, surpassing even those species that reproduce at a very rapid pace. This unending curiosity had made them sail the unknown seas in the age of exploration, had allowed them to harness the power of electricity and even allowed them to find a way to space, the final frontier of the universe. Curiosity is the strongest driving force for any human in my opinion, allowing them even to defy the things that they have believed in from birth.

Curiosity, a force that can reshape even the most stagnant of lives, beckoned me to venture beyond the sterile whiteness that had defined my existence. It unveiled the true nature of the man I had revered, shattering my unquestioning faith. And in that shattered faith, I found a seed of self-discovery, a spark that ignited a profound transformation within me...

With a sense of anticipation, I knew that this same curiosity that had propelled me to escape would draw them here.

And true to my thoughts it did.

"W-What do you mean by the sole student?" the strawberry-haired girl, Ichinose Honami, asked, surprise clearly written on her face.

"As I have already stated twice before, I'm the only student allocated to this class."

At my consistent answer of being the sole student of this class, no one else asked the same question. It seemed quite redundant that people who were gauged to be the supposed elites among the youth of this country would have this low level of adaptability, but maybe that was my standards from the white room speaking. After all, through my experience in the other side of society, I could very well conclude that the standards that that man set were quite extreme even by the extreme standards of this other side. Thus, I had to give them the benefit of the doubt regarding how the ones standing before me would react to sudden information like this. Added to the fact a majority of their decisions were being driven by emotions that I didn't have any understanding of, I had to be prepared to see varying degrees of reactions like I currently did.

The most common reaction I could see was a mixture of shock and curiosity. Ah, curiosity. Again it was the driving force here. There were also some reactions of understanding like that of Sakayanagi and Kamuro. Although, her's was more of resignation and distrust rather than understanding. And there was the reaction of complete apprehension that the raven-haired girl showed. I could very well see the insecurity she felt when I analysed her body language. Interesting, I think I have found my next pawn among them.

"What makes you so special that you get your own class, huh?" a boy with magenta hair and eyes of the same shade as his hair spoke. If my memory served me right, his name was Ryūen Kakeru, the de facto leader of Class C, now Class D.

"It is a question you have to ask the chairman himself. The class assignments are not in my hand, Ryūen." I replied.

"Oh, you know my name?" Ryūen said while approaching closer to me. It seemed as if he wanted to start a physical fight with me. A shame really, as I could clearly see exactly seventy-three ways to kill him without making it seem that I did it. His guard was pathetic and his sense of danger was impractical. Perhaps it was due to the sense of power and domination that he had gotten by having his class in his palm. It will be quite easy to make him fall and control him. But now was not the time.

"What else do you know, you freak?" Ryūen asked in what I assumed was a threatening tone. Behind him, I could see his subordinates tense up, ready to come to his help if things went awry. I could see the bald-headed student, Katsuragi, stiffen as he thought he was going to see a physical confrontation between me and Ryūen. However I knew that doing such a thing held no merit now, and I knew that Ryūen thought the same.

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