Chapter 6- Natey

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I'd never really kissed anyone before but with Danny, I was a natural. I'd never kissed anyone let alone a guy! I would've never guessed that my first kiss wasn't gonna be Katy Perry! sorry 8 year old Nathan. Maybe another time.

We finally released the kiss when we ran out of breath.
"Holy flip that was awesome." I blush
"Back to not swearing?" Danny teases
"shut up."
He laughs and pecks me once more before pulling his phone out.
"I don't have your number." He offers me the phone.
"Woah mister. Now why do you need my number?"
"Erm because how else am I meant to talk to you next week?"
"Oh, but I'll be in school!"
"Yeah, but your not in lessons."
"I do go to most of my lessons, just not all."

I laugh and enter my number into his phone, adding my name as the profile.
Danny smiles and takes it back. I watch him go to my profile to edit the name and image. He puts the phone in my face and snaps a weird looking 0.5 image. Danny then goes to change the name. I hover closely, trying to watch, as I already set the name. My face turned completely red as I watched him type out 'Natey 🫶🏻🫶🏻'.

I bite down a smile.
"What?" He frowns at me.
"What?" I ask.
"Your smiling funny."
"Rude. I just uhm.. saw something."
I gesture to his phone.
"Wha- FUCK OFF."
I burst out laughing.
"NONONONONO! It's cute!"
Danny raises his eyebrows at me and I nod, causing him to slip his phone back into his pocket. The bell rings to sign the end of the day.

"Right, see you tmr? I'll come back break and lunch."
"Okay!" I smile.
"Goodbye, baby." He smirks.
"Goodbye.." I blush.
He quietly laughs and kisses me before throwing his bag over his shoulder and leaving. I collapse into a chair and squeal into my hands. This man makes me feel like a prince. HE CALLED ME BABY. BABY?! I think to myself. I pack up and leave.

I cannot believe he caught me naming him that stupid name. Whatever. He's so cute.

D- Hey love 🫶🏻
N- Hellooooo
D- hru ml?
N- Good, nearly home! Also what's ml?"
D- dumby. It means my love <3
N- oh.
D- nearly home as well :/
N- Why did you send a sad face? Are you okay love?


D- yeah! Just like, yk (you know) I got in big trouble. I need to explain to my mum.
N- Ah. Well you can do this!! Also thank you for telling me what yk means 💗
D- in the past she's been VERY MAD. BIG BIG MAD.
N- oh :((
D- yeah it fucking sucks.
N- I'm sorry my love. I could come round afterwards? That is if you don't get grounded or something. My family never did grounding lol.
D- nah I won't get grounded pretty boy. I'll message you when I'm done. I'm just getting home. Ily
N- ily?
D- I love you 🫶🏻
N- Ilyt. (Did I do it right?)
D- You did 👍 okay really need to go now I LOVE U.

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