The Impurity of GANGUWH

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Once upon a time in a land far of, In a land full with Impurity and deceits,the land were people die with out a cause,the land Called GANGUWH.lived a poor couple they were newly wed they "were the Snabikra's" who originated from the North.Makasinta and Arani were there names.Arani left home every day to go in search of a job and food for his poor wife but come back the same way he after day he went out and came empty like it was a routine. they could go back to the north u may think but there was no way out of by day his wife makasinta Encourage him and kept on telling him that everything is going to be alright ,even tho for sure she was under going the most pain as she is pregnant with the unknown what is supposed to be a good new caused pain in the heart of makasinta and this new is yet known to Arani.She prefer keeping it to her self don't want to add to his Stress,he is going to find out anyways she always says to herself.the days drove pass so quickly soon it was a month than months came rushing in.through this time Arani had found out and kept his hopes higher,he make sure that Makasinta undergo no stress and always kept a tender smile on his face whenever in her presence.Soon it was time for Makasinta to put to bed,And the strangest thing happened what hasn't been seen for generations seens the birth of DUWANI The Northern God was about to happen.makasinta went into heavy labour thunder and lightning struck here and there heavy rainfall fell upon the land and the people rejoiced for there haven't been a single drop of pure water in the land for years some people even drink there own urines when the the dirty water itself was unavailable. Makasinta was in the room for hours until it happened she was born and right at that moment all the babies and mother that were given birth on that day died as well "yes"makasinta died she was the only child that GANGUWH'S Cures couldn't touch even the delivery mother was saved and heal form her strange illness for she was in her hands.your thoughts are correct "yes"the unknown.

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