Alfred sat in the dim car, one hand on the steering wheel while staring straight ahead. The elevator door opened and her slim figure walked out. She sighted the car and walked over as gently as before but he could see that her steps were quite irregular. 

Safiyya arrived before the car with a quizzical look. The glass slid down and he turned to look at her. “Get in,” he told her in a low voice. Safiyya refrained from asking anything and entered. The car was quiet before she blinked and turned her head, only to see Alfred watching her. 

“Why…are you looking at me like that?” she asked suspiciously. 

“Do you realize that you've changed in just a few days?” he returned with a question and she frowned slightly. 

“Be yourself when we return to the house or Joseph would be worried,” he added and turned to start the car. 

Safiyya blinked and shifted her gaze too. The car started but she kept fiddling with her fingers. That question struck her because she didn't know it was so obvious but what can she do? She was nervous now. Joseph is smart and can easily detect anything.

“Don't worry, nothing can't be fixed,” she heard Alfred say confidently. She glimpsed at him and that confident stance gave her hope. He never banned her from helping out in Gab’s case and kept asking about it. Others were against it but he supported it and all she showed him was bitterness because of what? Even she had no idea but she knew she had to stop it. 

“You are right sir Alfred,” she said enthusiastically. Alfred turned his glance to her and she was smiling brightly that it got him awestruck. When was the last time she smiled this way? It felt like ages and he didn't know when he got used to it. Safiyya was kind and soft in her words and usually smiled but her kind heart also showed how she could deal with an impossible obstacle and the fact that she never stopped despite the odds deserves a reward. 

Safiyya felt better after thawing her ice off. “I keep praying to Allah for assistance but I don't fully trust Him which made me lose hope. How did I forget that with Him, I don't need to despair?  Surely, he knows the best and even if the whole world tried to help, only what is destined will happen,” 

Alfred stared at her as the words sank into his head and he gave an affirmative nod. Safiyya pursed her lips into a thin line and cleared her throat.

“And sir Alfred, thank you for watching over my back and supporting me despite my stupidity,” she said softly. 

Alfred was quiet before stating, “I understand, “ he turned his head back to the road. Safiyya pouted but a smile was still tugging on her lips. At least the atmosphere was better. 

“That's not the way right?” she asked with uncertainty when the car took the wrong turn. 

“I know,” Alfred said simply. 

“Oh,” she nodded and relaxed back again. The car slowed down before a building like a restaurant. Safiyya was bewildered but she kept her mouth shut. A young man in polo rushed over with packaging backs and Alfred opened the back window. The man dropped it and left. Alfred started the car again and Safiyya couldn't help but ask, “Why are we buying food today?” 

“Personal reasons,” Alfred returned. 

“You don't like my cooking?” she gasped. How is that possible? 

“Maybe,” Alfred nodded seriously. 

Safiyya was agape as she glared at the packages behind the seats. 

“You are just joking. There's no way I can't cook!” she ranted. Alfred glanced at her and was amused by her cute angry face. 

“Who needs a complement all the time if not you?” he added. 

“I don't seek compliments. It's just the truth,” Safiyya harrumphed but his next words brought her back to softness. 

“Take a break today,” he said and turned back to the road. 

Safiyya was quiet as her face reddened all of a sudden. There she was ranting when he just wanted her to rest. 

“Since when did I become one to throw tantrums,” she muttered to herself. 

“Since when I knew you,” of course, Alfred heard her. 

“I don't,” she snorted and slapped her mouth. Saying no and doing the same thing again. She chuckled at her antics. 

Meanwhile, Joseph was outside with old Xav playing around with a white mini telescope. 

“Woah, so cool,” he wowed, with one eye closed. 

“It's not night already Joseph. What are you seeing?” Old Xav asked curiously. 

Joseph lowered his arm and said, “A lot of creations Old Xav. See for yourself and you will about Allahu Akbar!” 

Old Xab chuckled knowing this boy learned the last phrase from his Mummy. He took the telescope and aimed too but complained. 

“That's because you aren't aiming well,” Joseph said and tried helping him when they heard the gates opening. Both were surprised when his Dad’s car drove in. Joseph’s lips were left open until the car opened. 

Safiyya quickly waved at Joseph with a beaming smile. 

“Mummy!” he beamed and rushed over. They hugged each other and she kissed his cheeks. “How are you?” 

“Great, now that you are here!” he smiled back. 

“Masha Allah,“ she said and held his small hand. Joseph looked at Alfred. “Good evening Dad,” 

“Good evening son. Do you love the telescope?” Alfred returned, having taken out the packages together with Old Xav. 

“Yeah a lot,” Joseph returned happily and tugged Safiyya’s hand. “Let's check it out sometime Mummy. It's so cool,” 

“Sure thing Yousef,” she nodded. They walked over and Joseph started at the packages. “What's that?” he asked. 

“Dinner,” Alfred told him and looked at Old Xav. “Join us Old Xav,” 

“Yes join us,” Safiyya added. Old Xav couldn't refuse and joined them inside. They just washed their hands and had dinner together. Josoeh felt the natural mood of his Mummy revived and his mood brightened even more. Not only did they return home early today, but they also had a heartwarming dinner. He can't wait to see his birthday! 

Who missed these three together?😁

Hehe, 20 chapters done! Alhamdulillah.🤗
Thank you everyone for joining the journey of SWM.

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