Chapter 4: Uncovered Magic

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     EU stared at the book UN had set gently on the table. They admired it from a far as if afraid it'd take their water magic if he got too close. UN waited patiently for EU to perhaps yell at him or ask rapid questions on why- but EU just sat there in their thoughts with a blank expression. They didn't want to be rude or disrespect UN in his decision.

     UN: "I know it's.. shocking... All that magic and I don't want to use any of it..." 

     EU didn't say a word or make a single movement. The book looked so innocent yet held so much power now. It made some sense to EU on why UN would do this. He never cared about having all powerful magic. If anything it only got in his way by bringing un-needed attention. UN mentioned many times how his magic made the other organizations not really feel needed.- even though EU didn't mind UN having water magic like him.

     EU: "Did you keep any of it at all?"

     UN was quiet for a moment.

     UN:"I kept my sky magic.. like I should have had." 

     EU: "Won't you miss it all?" 

     UN: "I didn't really use any of it anyway." 

    EU got quiet and looked back at the book. What was UN going to to with it? Could he still use the magic from the book? Does anyone else know about this? How long ago did UN do this? None of these questions made it out their mouth. It was pointless to ask. UN did it for a reason and they should respect that reason. UN suddenly sighed and picked up the book.

     UN: "I don't want it- I don't know how it works either but.. I know someone who can figure it out."

     UN suddenly put the book in EUs hands. Their eyes widened in shock.

     UN:" I trust you more than anyone e-

     EU: "A-are- you sure? I mean- I-" 

     They were just dumbfounded by this. EU only knew water magic how could UN expect them to figure out how to use a book containing all the others! He panicked slightly from holding so much power in his hands.

     UN: "I'm sure you will figure it out. I can always help."

     UNs expression shown a large wave of relief as he sat down next to them. EU was silent still shocked. They opened the book and looked through the pages which were all empty except the first few. Notably all of them was magic he already saw in use from the other organizations. There was a page for water magic, their specialty, a page for fire magic (ASEANs magic), nature magic (African Unions magic), Earth magic (Arab Unions specialty), heck it even had plasma which NATO specialized in. EU, with a small smile, looked over at UN.

     EU: "You're kidding.."

     UN simply shook his head no.

     EU: "I'm honored.. really. Thank you!" 

     UN jumped slightly when EU pulled him into a hug.  His face reddened slightly as he hugged the smaller union. His wings were fluffed. Once EU pulled away UN felt a bit saddened. He yawned as he watched EU look through the pages again. It was already late into the night- or early morning, although who could tell? EU noticed UNs exhaustion.

     EU: "You can stay here if you'd like. I'd hate for you to have to drive home through the storm in exhaustion." 

     UN: "You sure?" 

     EU: "It's the least I can do for all you've done for me today. Stay here I'll go find some spare blankets." 

     UN watched EU set the book back on the table before rushing down a hallway out of sight. He laid back and waited patiently. A clock suddenly dinged and shocked UN back up straight. He looked up seeing a wall clock indicating midnight. He yawned, surprised on how fast time had passed. EU came back holding blankets and a pillow for him. The pillow got tossed at UN and he yelped in surprise trying to catch it in time but got hit in the face. EU held in a laugh.

     EU: "Sorry-

     UN tossed the  pillow back. EU staggered back but caught it. They both laughed before EU set it down for him. They draped the blankets over UNs head before picking up the book again. UN pulled the blankets down so he could see EU.

     EU: "Feel free to help yourself to anything in the house. I'll be in my room if you need me."

     UN simply nodded almost saying out loud that the only thing he really wanted in the house was EU. He watched them walk back into the hallway and into their room where they shut the door. He had a smile on his face in relief that this wasn't a complete disaster. He stretched his wings and layed his head against the pillow. After pulling the blankets over himself he closed his eyes finally being welcomed to sleep.

     EU set the book down on his night stand and sat down on his bed. They didn't feel like sleeping right now so they just watched the window. The sky was dark lit up by street lights and the distant city. Few stars could be seen faintly. EU got up and turned the lights off so they could see out the window easier. After sitting down again,  they watched the faint stars dance across the sky. Oh how he wished he could be one of those stars...

(Chapters have been bit short but it just helps me change scenes a lot easier. I want to focus on times that are interesting like their interactions and key events. I'm not really a 'normal life' type of writer and been then I assume you don't want to read how they wake up and drink a coffee and go to work since we already know they do that. No... You're here for mystery magic and mayhem- me too. Although they may be short I am planning on having a LOT of chapters in the future. I think the chapter breaks make it easier for readers to take breaks and come back where they left off easier anyway. Have a chipper day mate ☕🗿🎩)

((I need to draw the characters TvT))

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