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Weeks drifted by, and Dani's friends remained steadfast in their support, ensuring she was never left alone. Though Dani often kept her fears hidden, her friends could sense the underlying apprehension she carried. Sirius and Remus became her constant companions, spending countless hours studying defensive spells and attending classes together. In Potions class, where Dani and Sirius typically partnered up without fail, their routine was disrupted when the professor assigned new pairings. Dani found herself reluctantly paired with a boy named Daniel, someone she had rarely spoken to before. Meanwhile, Sirius was paired with Hazel Jones, a Slytherin girl whose presence grated on Dani's nerves.

Over the following weeks, Dani couldn't help but roll her eyes whenever she caught sight of Hazel and Sirius sharing laughs together. She couldn't fathom how Sirius could tolerate the company of someone like Hazel, whose demeanour clashed so starkly with her own. Yet, despite her misgivings, Dani kept her feelings to herself, unwilling to burden her friends with her personal concerns.

Meanwhile, Sirius found himself drawn to Hazel, a Slytherin girl whose sharp wit and intelligence captivated him in a way he was familiar with. He enjoyed their banter and the easy camaraderie they shared, finding her company refreshing and exhilarating. Their conversations were filled with laughter and playful teasing, and Sirius couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement whenever he was around her. It didnt feel as if he was talking to his typical Slytherin, she seemed different.

Meanwhile, Dani and Marlene observed Sirius's growing closeness with Hazel with growing unease. They couldn't shake the feeling that there was something off about her, something that didn't sit right with them. They had seen her make disparaging remarks about Muggle-borns and half-bloods, and they couldn't understand what Sirius saw in her.

One afternoon, as Sirius and Hazel were laughing together in the courtyard, Dani couldn't help but feel a surge of annoyance. She exchanged a knowing glance with Marlene, who shared her sentiments. "She's such a bitch," Dani spoke, glaring at Hazel and unable to contain her frustration.

Marlene nodded in agreement, but before they could discuss it further, Sirius approached them, noticing the glares the girls had towards the two. His expression was tight with tension. "What's your problem with Hazel?" he demanded, his voice tinged with accusation.

Dani bristled at his tone, feeling defensive. "She's just not a nice person," she retorted, her voice dripping with disdain.

Sirius's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "That's not true," he insisted. "You don't even know her."

"I know enough," Dani snapped back. "And she's made fun of Lily and Remus's blood status many times."

Sirius sighed, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "Look, she's not like that. I know her. I'm sorry if you don't like her, but that's no reason for you to be rude to her. She's my friend."

Dani felt a surge of jealousy coursing through her veins. She didn't like the idea of Sirius defending another girl, especially one she didn't trust. "Fine, I won't say anything," she muttered, her tone icy.

Sirius's eyes narrowed, sensing the shift in Dani's demeanour. "Is something bothering you, Dani?" he asked, his voice softening.

Dani shook her head stubbornly. "No, I'm fine."

But Sirius wasn't convinced. He knew Dani too well to believe her dismissive response. "Come on, Dani, you can tell me anything," he urged gently.

"It's nothing, really," Dani insisted, avoiding his gaze. "I'm just tired."

Sirius hesitated for a moment, debating whether to press the issue further. In the end, he decided to give her space, but he made a mental note to talk to her about it later. He couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Dani's reaction than she was letting on, and he was determined to get to the bottom of it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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