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Dani made her way excitedly down to the quidditch pitch with Peter and Mary trailing behind her, wanting to congratulate their friends on the Gryffindor team for winning against their rival team, the Slytherins, thanks to James catching the snitch.

Remus sat in the Hospital wing, perched up sleepily beside a window as he tried to watch the game as best as he could to still support his friends the night after a full moon. Dani wished she was there with him but Remus spent nearly an hour convincing her to go support their friends and her brother, and he would still be here when she was done.

Dani finally caught sight of Marlene and Sirius and b-lined towards them, catching Marlene's attention first as she threw her arms over her shoulders to bring her in for a bone-crushing hug in congratulations before Mary pushed her off to give the blonde a hug as Peter greeted James. Dani looked around to spot Sirius to see him talking to one of his teammates.

Dani took a few steps to meet him there as the pitch started to get busier and busier as the Slytherins made their way down to support their team in their loss and the Gryffindors to cheer and tease the losing team.

Sirius quickly spotted Dani walking towards him and excused himself from the conversation to turn to his friend as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders as she congratulated his win as he lightly picked her up off the ground to lightly swing her around.

Sirius and Dani laughed together as he gently set her on the ground, still keeping each other in their embraces as Sirius quickly rambled on about the game while someone who couldn't help but stare in jealously watched across the pitch.

Sirius was oblivious when it came to girls that he had zero interest in crushing on him. He only ever noticed the flirty glances or sweet remarks from girls he found attractive in return. He was extremely oblivious to the longing stares from the Slytherin table, and Dani was oblivious to the glares from the same table.

What Sirius and Dani were both oblivious to was the current glare they were receiving from Alecto Carrow from across the field, as she had grown to actually crush on Sirius Black as her parents had told her ever since she was little that she was destined to marry the older Black brother as a way to unite their families. Alecto took that maybe a bit too seriously and became infatuated with him. She was disturbed over the fact that Sirius was not only sorted into Gryffindor but that he chose to be friends with all the impure bloodlines, but her family kept telling her he would soon smarten up and that he may need her to help set him straight. Their families depended on her to set Sirius back to 'their' side.

Alecto continued to watch as Danica quickly hugged Sirius again before hugging some of the other Gryffindor quidditch teammates before scurrying off the field back up towards the castle. Alecto tried her hardest to turn away from the girl she had begun to hate ever since her first year when she saw how close Sirius and the Potter girl had grown.

Alecto ignored her brother calling her name as she couldn't help but begin to follow Danica towards the castle, and through the hallways towards the hospital wing.

"Potter!" Alecto called out just before Dani would have opened the doors. The Gryffindor girl nearly jumped out of her skin as she quickly turned around, unknowing that Alecto had followed her all the way up here.

"What do you want Alecto?" Dani huffed out, her arms subconsciously crossing her chest as she felt intimidated by the Slytherin girl she knew was up to no good.

"I wanted to talk to you about Sirius," Alecto said, stuffing her hands in her pockets as she gently held her wand in her hand.

"What about him?" Dani asked, catching a tone as she asked knowing that Alecto followed the blood purity bullshit that Sirius tried so hard to stray from.

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