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On the first day of classes in her second year, Dani rushed down the halls toward her potions class, dreading that on her first day, she would be late.

She made it to class with only seconds to spare to see that the only spot available was at an empty desk at the back of the room. Her eyes met James as he sat beside Sirius with Remus and Peter behind them, giving his sister a look of apology as he couldn't save her a seat. She gave him a small smile before turning to look at the other side of the room to see Marlene and Lily sitting together with Dorcas sitting beside Frank Longbottom. Dani frowned as she realized that the only other person in their friend group that wasn't in this class was Alice, which meant she was put into the other class with the Ravenclaws while Dani's potions class was shared with the Slytherins and Hufflepuffs.

She slipped into the empty spot, grateful that no one noticed her arriving late, just as the door slammed shut, causing everyone to turn and look at the door to see a sheepish Narcissa Black standing there.

"Im sorry Im late professor." Narcissa quickly said as Professor Slughorn held the urge to roll his eyes, "Yes yes, take a seat and focus up here on the lesson."

Narcissa quickly sat in the only other spot available, besides Dani and turned to give the Potter girl a small nod in greeting.

"You're Danica Potter, right?" Narcissa whispered as the Gryffindor nodded, "Call me Dani."

"Alright, nice to meet you then Dani. Im Narcissa." Narcissa introduced herself.

"I know who you are. You're Sirius' cousin." Dani said as Narcissa nodded with a sigh, "Unfortunately he and I are related."

"Watch it," Dani warned, her warm smile quickly turning to an icy glare as Narcissa giggled to herself.

"Oh yes sorry, I forgot you and him are friends. Sirius and I are cousins, correct... he just doesn't fit in well with our family." Narcissa tried to correct it as Dani rolled her eyes, "Yeah, obviously."

"I didn't mean any harm in it-"

"Miss Black and Miss Potter! Care to speak with the class or could you girls start to pay attention?" Professor Slughorn shouted out as Dani nodded, muttering a quick "Sorry Professor."

The two girls sat in silence for a while longer before Slughorn started to discuss what this year of potions would look like.

"The person you share your desk with will be your potions partner for the rest of the year, no switching. You will have to be reliable partners and show up to class to make sure you both are caught up on the workload and understand what's due."

Dani let out an ever-so-quiet groan as she turned to look at Narcissa who was already looking at her with a soft smile, "Well this will be fun."

"Look, we both understand this isn't an ideal partner set up but let's try to make the best of it, okay?" Narcissa tried to reason as Dani nodded, "Fine. Just don't talk badly about my friends and we will be fine, fair?"

"Fair. Im sorry I made you upset earlier."

"I wasn't upset."

"Right," Narcissa scoffed, "Because the pouting totally wasn't because I insulted Sirius."

Narcissa gave Dani a playful look as she said it, causing the two to burst into tiny giggles. Maybe Narcissa wouldn't be all that bad to deal with as long as she respected her one rule.

Don't talk badly about her friends. Don't talk badly about Sirius.


After potions finished up, Dani bid a quick goodbye to Narcissa before packing up her bag and slipping out of her chair as the boys walked up to her.

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