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Dani sat with Lily and Remus in the great hall discussing the classes they had this year and their professors, patiently waiting for their friends to return from the quidditch tryouts. This year James and Marlene were ofcourse trying out for the same positions they earned last year, but Sirius had joined them and finally gotten over his 'I am better than everyone else at quidditch' ego and was also trying out for the team.

Dani discussed with her friends nervously how Sirius would react if he didn't make the team, and the three agreed that they hoped he made it for their sanity. Their concerns got answered as Sirius burst through the great hall doors with the largest smile on his face, walking in with James and Marlene grinning behind him.

The trio quickly made their way over to their friends, Sirius taking the seat in between Dani and Lily while James and Marlene sat on the other side with Remus.

"I take it you made the team." Dani asked Sirius as he turned to look at her, dramatically nodding his head, "Ofcourse I did. They recognized my pure talent. About time."

"We made it too if anyone cared." Marlene sarcastically said as Dani reached across the table to give her hand a light squeeze in congratulations.

"Knew you both would." Dani complimented them as Sirius rolled his eyes at the attention already off of him.

"Anyone know where Dorcas is? I told her I would come to find her after I made the team." Marlene asked as Lily's head perked up, "I need to go see Dorcas too, she and Mary are by the lake. I'll go with you." Lily said as she stood up, bidding goodbye to her friends as did Marlene before leaving the great hall.

"So Dani, now that I've made the team, are you going to come to support me at my games?" Sirius asked as James scoffed, "Our games."

"I mean, I go to all the Gryffindor games to support James and Marlene, but now I can support all three of you." Dani shrugged as Sirius dramatically leaned into the girl, wrapping an arm around her shoulders before continuing, "But I was trying to ask if you would wear one of my extra jerseys so everyone knew who your favourite player was?" Sirius tried to flirt as Remus and James rolled their eyes at his antics, James even taking it as far as to reach across the table and wop Sirius in the side of the head, muttering "Get your hands off my sister."

"You guys are no fun, I wasn't even doing anything bad." Sirius groaned, holding the side of his face as he scooted away from the Potter girl who was giggling at their interaction.

"Uh, you were most definitely flirting with my sister." James defended as Sirius gawked at him, "Was not!"

"Was too!" James protested back as Sirius scoffed, "Trust me, when I start flirting with Dani, you will be able to tell without a doubt."

This caused James to try and reach across the table again to try to smack him but Sirius sensed it coming this time and was able to grip the table and lean back so James couldn't reach him. James being the stubborn boy he was, took his as his chance to push the plate in front of Sirius harshly towards him, hurting his fingers and causing him to let go and fall off the bench.

James was finally satisfied with his violence against Sirius as he and Remus laughed at each other as Dani sighed and held an arm out to help lift, Sirius, back up on the bench.

"Jamesie boy, that wasn't nice." Sirius groaned out as Remus shook his head with a grin on his face, "Sirus, take this as the time to shut up."

"Fine. Im going to go shower and get ready then." Sirius told the three as he stood, "Get ready?" James questioned.

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