🌸🌺Trust Activities🌺🌸

309 9 2

Ships: Radioapple, Chaggie, Huskerdust

No one's POV (Third person)

"EVERYONE!!" Charlie shouted from the hotel lobby, causing everyone in the lobby at the moment to turn their heads towards her. Alastor appeared out of the shadows, a bit irritated that she was shouting, but his smile didn't waver the slightest. "I've got an idea for a new trust exercise!!" the princess of hell exclaimed, before begining to lead every single one of them to the circle of couches.

"And what is that hun..?" Vaggie asked, wondering what her girlfriend had cooked up for today. Lucifer, Charlie's father, arrived shortly afterwards. He was a bit late due to applying makeup to cover up the dark circles under his eyes. "What are we doing..?" he murmured, rubbing his eyes and making a cup of coffee appear in his hands.

"Oh, Dad! Just in time!" Charlie said, smiling brightly at her father, "I'm about to explain my newest trust exercise!"

The (short) king of hell tilted his head slightly, "And.. what is that sweetie?" he asked, sipping his coffee from a bright yellow ceramic mug that had the words 'Duck you' printed onto it. The Radio demon stared at the fallen angel, finding his fiancee's actions adorable, but obviously not being able to say anything since they had not announced their relationship and engagement yet. Charlie smiled brightly, "It's a surprise!! We need to wait for the others!!" she said, her smile beaming brightly, portraying her surname quite beautifully. Though she wasn't a morning person, like her father, which the wendigo overlord found very ironic. Alastor sat down in an empty chair and waited for the others to join them. Lucifer, on the other hand, headed to the kitchen to see what he could make for breakfast. The radio demon hummed softly, watching as Charlie ran off and dragged Angeldust, Husk, Cherri Bomb, and Nifty into the room.

"Alright toots what's going on?" the pornstar asked, sitting down on the floor while Cherri took a seat beside him. Charlie waited for the others to get comfortable before rolling in a whiteboard. Lucifer came back from his trip to to kitchen, munching on string cheese.

"Okay! So," the princess began, turning around and scribbling down onto the whiteboard, "since it's springtime, and we've got some wing problems, I have a new trust exercise for us all!!" she explained, turning back around to reveal the words written on the whiteboard: 'Wing, Hoof, and floof care!'

Alastor blinked at the words. It was only then that he realized his hooves were starting to get a bit uncomfortable to walk on, so maybe this wasnt so bad..

"Alright! Sooo basically you'll be paired with someone else, and depending on their features, you'll be helping your partner take care of themselves!!" the goatlike demon princess followed up.

"And... what if we don't have any of.. those." Cherri said, pointing to herself and Nifty.

"Well then you can just brush the other's hair!" Charlie replied, "Now! For the pairs... me and Vaggie, Angel and Husk, Cherri and Nifty, and Alastor and Dad!"

Lucifer groaned, and Alastor rolle his eyes. They had to act like they hated this, of course, but they were silently cheering, glad to finally be able to give the other some sort of affection in public without the others becoming suspicious. Alastor cleared his throat, "Dear, is it possible I could switch partners? I do not want to let that fun sized king touch me." Lucifer felt a bit hurt, but he knew Alastor didn't mean what he said. It was all an act, and he knew he'd get a long apology from the deer when they went to bed that night. Charlie shook her head, "Nope! You two need to learn to get along!" she said, smirking. She didn't know about her hotelier and her father's engagement, but of course that didn't stop her from making attempts to make them get along. Alastor's expression softened, silently thankful Charlie didn't allow him to switch partners.

Husk and Angel had already started, with the former overlord sitting in the pink spider's lap while his four arms worked on shaking out all the loose feathers in the bartender's wings. Alastor watched as Charlie rolled in a cart of equipment for the participants to use to help speed up the process. The cart included things such as haircare products and sharp tools for cutting and trimming both hair, floof, and hooves. The overlord watched as Cherri and Nifty began to work on brushing each other's hair and Charlie staring on preening her lover's wings while Vaggie began to trim her hooves.

Lucifer suddenly tapped on the deer's arm, since he couldn't reach his shoulder, "Hey. Let's get this over with."

Alastor nodded and sat down on the floor, the furthest away from the others to where they were out of earshot but could still see them. Lucifer followed, after grabbing some hoof trimming knives and chisels and hair products. Alastor waited for him to sit down in front of him before sighing. The devil tilted his head at his fiance, "is something wrong Al..?" he asked, puffing out his wings. The deer shook his head and motioned for him to turn around. The king complied, turning his body around and letting his lover's fingers glide through his feathery wings. Lucifer tilted his head back to look up at Alastor as he worked, smiling and sticking his tongue out a teeny bit. This got a small laugh out of the deer, who continued to dislodge shedding feathers out of his future husband's wings. Once he had finished, he grabbed a hair brush and began to brush out all the knots in the fallen angel's hair, straitening his legs out in front of him. Lucifer took the opportunity to remove Alastor's shoes and get to work on trimming his hooves, and to much of the deer's surprise, they didn't hurt to be trimmed. He smiled and continued to brush the devil's hair. Once they had both finished, they swapped places, with Alastor trimming Lucifer's hooves and Lucifer brushing Alastor's hair. They joked and laughed almost the whole time, as they seemed to have forgotten they were not in the privacy of their bedroom.

The others watched them, as they were all far done by now, Angeldust even snapped a picture.

"They're definitely fuckin." The pornstar said.

Later that night the pink spider got his ass beaten ☺️

1075 words
I ran out of ideas 😭😭

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