The Winter Solder

Start from the beginning

"Young man, do you have anything to say for yourself trying to attacking your elders?" Master Roshi asked as he continued to parry and counter all of the Hydra agent's attacks. However, the Winter Soldier continued to remain silent as he took out a Tribunalium dagger and swiped at the old man, managing to graze his arm with a small cut.

"Again with the silent treatment. Can't you just make some sort of comeback? At this point, I would even go for the old villain monolog." Roshi said as he deflected another swipe of the dagger, only for the Winter Soldier to drop the knife, catch it with his free hand, and take another swipe from which Roshi had to tuck his own gut in to avoid.

"I got to give it to you, you know how to improvise on the spot." Master Roshi said as he began to struggle with the assassin. Even Goku and Venom didn't know how to adapt this quickly.

"Roshi! Watch out!" Captain America yelled as he jumped out of the grave and swung his shield at his enemy, looking to prevent a stab to the Turtle Hermit's stomach that would have been lethal. While Steve was successful, he wasn't able to knock the Winter Soldier back. Instead, the Winter Soldier was able to catch it while giving a blank yet chilling death stare towards the Super Soldier. This was a complete surprise as no other opponent was able to pull this off, even the likes of Demon King Piccolo and the Red Skull.

Just as quickly as Cap threw it, the Winter Soldier sent it flying back towards Cap, who ran towards the incoming object, sidestepped to catch it, and then continued to advance towards his new mysterious enemy.

"Cap, do you have any idea who this guy is?" Roshi asked as the two traded blow for blow against the Winter Soldier, who was not only keeping up pace with the two veterans, but getting some cuts and punches here and there whenever he could, though nothing lethal yet. The Agent of Hydra was getting too good for both their liking. He wasn't on the same level as Taskmaster, but it was close to it.

"You sense it too?" Captain America asked, now being able to break a sweat.

"Yeah, this guy seems very familiar. Is it someone we have met?" Roshi asked, slightly slowing down from all the light wounds dealt to his body.

"Only one way to find out." Captain America said as he jumped in the air and bashed the edge of his vibraibium shield against the Winter Soldier's face, breaking apart his mask. The assassin twisted his face away from the duo and shot a wave of ki to knock the students of Mutaito back. Having his back towards them, made sure not to reveal his face to his enemy as was his orders from his superiors, his long black hair serving the purpose well.

"Stop hiding your face and turn around. You can't fight the two of us and keep your identity hidden at the same time." Roshi reasoned, slowly flanking the Winter Soldier from the right.

"Who are you?" Captain America asked with much more sympathy than the Turtle Hermit. The wave of familiarity was present as ever, but it was still had some static, if it was the right word to call it that.

The Winter Soldier was in complete turmoil, shaking ever so slightly. It wasn't because he felt a connection between his two opponents, but rather he had to choose between orders. The Red Skull made it his absolute priority to eliminate Captain America and Master Roshi. He had also been instructed not to reveal his face to them. The old man was right, he had to choose between the two in order to accomplish the other, so it made sense to go with his initial objective. Slowly turning his head around and shifting his body to his opponents, he could see the shocked faces Steve Rodgers and Muten Roshi, taken completely aback to their core.

"Bucky?" Steve spoke, aghast at what he just saw. Aside from the longer hair, his old friend looked exactly the same as the day he lost him.

"Well I be damned. Peggy was right." Roshi said,

"Who's Bucky?" Bucky Barnes asked, his eyes squinting as if he never heard the name before. It was only then did Steve realized why he didn't immediately recognize him. As the Winter Soldier, Bucky had grown significantly more powerful and did not have any memory of what he was before.

"Bucky, it's's Ste-" Captain America tried to say, but was interrupted by a newcomer to the battlefield.

"Hey assholes, have some of this!" Crossbones yelled as he appeared on top of a nearby hilltop and fired a grenade from his launcher. Due to the impact of the surprise, Steve and Roshi were propelled away, the gas from the explosion clouding their judgement.

"Damn, I thought Zemo said it the gas would kill these turds. Sin, do you have him?!" Grillo called.

"Hey sweetheart. Nice to see you again." Sin said as she walked up to Bucky and gave him a nerve pinch, one that would knock him out. As Sin was leaving carrying the Winter Soldier over her shoulder, Grillo walked up to the pair of dazed freedom fighters and held up his shotgun, starting with Captain America himself.

"Good luck trying to block this." Crossbones said with a sinister smile. His only wish now was to see the Red Skull witness his best service to Hydra yet.

Tales Of The Symbiote Saiyan: Captain America And Master RoshiWhere stories live. Discover now