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I had planned on giving Aunty the boxes and leaving the place as soon as possible. 

But looking at Mr. K, I was awestruck. Could not take my eyes off him. It was as if the world around me disappeared. He mentioned something to Aunty and went inside the room. I mentally shook my head and came back to reality and forcefully took my eyes off him. Uff!!

Aunty called me in again. I went inside, gave her the boxes, and replied 'Thanks Aunty, I'll come another day just to have tea. I didn't mean to bother you now. Also, I guess you have unpacking to do. For now, I'll leave, let's meet another day?'

'Sure beta, tell your mom thanks for this' said Aunty with a sweet smile.

Just when I was about to leave, it was him again Mr.K, he walked towards us speaking to Aunty. He mentioned something about me I guess. I could not hear a thing as all my attention went on checking him out. He had a perfectly chiseled body with  6 packs which was seen even though he was wearing a t-shirt. His t-shirt was v-neck and was showing off his broad chest which was covered with water droplets. His hair was damped with water, maybe cause he had taken a head shower. His eyes were big and blueish.

'Damn, he is sexy', my mind repeated this sentence over and over again. 

While I was staring at him, Aunty told something to me and I had to ask her to repeat cause I wasn't paying attention to her at all.

I was embarrassed to the core and my face turned red. Aunty said 'Its ok beta, meet my son Kishan'

To that Mr.K said Hi and extended his hand for a handshake like he was meeting me for the first time. He had this mischievous smile and I did not like it at all.

I smiled forcefully and replied 'Hi, Im Aparna' and shook his hand. He squeezed my hand slightly while giving handshake and I immediately pulled out my hand with utter shock. 

I felt a current pass through me and it was the first time I ever felt this way.

God just why? what was happening to me I thought to myself.  Is it because of the dream? Or is it because he is the first guy I was and wanted to notice after all these years?

I did not know, but the fact my heartbeat increased was so unusual, my body was reacting like it was some chemical or something. 

His smile widened after noticing my discomfort and I did not know what to do. I turned to look at Aunty to see if she had noticed any of this but to my luck, she was seeing what was inside the box my mom gave. This was my chance. I told him 'Nice to meet you'  and told Aunty bye and ran from there. I ran so fast that I almost tripped and fell.

When I reached to the front yard I stopped there for a while trying to catch my breath and collect myself and my thoughts back. I tried to level my breathing and waited until it became normal.

I could hear Aunty shout 'Kishu come and eat before you sleep'.

But did not hear his reply or husky voice.

I stood there for another minute because I had to go to Ashi's house. I did not want to get distracted. When I was ready, I slowly walked beside the garden and went to Ashi's house.

While climbing the stairs I wondered 'What was up with me'. All this was very new and I told myself 'This is not you Appu, its just infatuation'  and left all those weird feelings behind before going inside and meeting Ashi, as I had a more serious matter to discuss with her.

Ashi was my priority and she needed me, I did not want my thoughts to come in the way.

I had grown so fond of her in the last year without even knowing. She was more like a sister to me than a friend. Maybe I liked her innocence and also the fact she likes me so much. Oh, that can be so annoying at times. But she knows how to get me back to normal.

Love UnreachableOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora