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Aparna's POV:

It was a sunny day today. As we decided to go out and eat, Ashi got ready and after what felt like hours of arguing on where to eat we decided to go to Subway.  Ashi was craving for some Subway tandoori tofu. I always wondered how people even finish those things in one go and also I was not a big fan of Subway.

Ashi never wanted to disappoint me so she decided to buy me a cold coffee after we ate at Subway as compensation.

As always I can never say no to her sweet way of asking things.

She always believed in two ways. She was a non-selfish person when it came to the people she loved. Her only mantra was if Appu is happy, I am happy.

We drove to a nearby Subway which was 3 km from her house. I was never a fan of walking so I took my bike wherever I went. Ashi always loved to drive my bike, she did not own one and always dreamt of buying one. So whenever she was with me I always made sure I gave her my bike to ride.

She came from a family with 3 elder sisters and she is the youngest and the only one working among them was a very bravest and ambitious girl I had ever met.

She had come to Bangalore for a job and stayed here since then. Her parents visited occasionally and of course, I was her unpaid roommate for the time being.

We reached Subway around half past 2 and as usual, being the responsible one and a year older than her, I had to do all the older ones' jobs like ordering food, paying bills, etc. So I went and ordered her favorite tofu for both of us along with a lava cake as dessert.

We both loved deserts. At least that was the only thing we both agreed on.

While waiting for our food, being the talkative one Ashi showed me a video on Instagram and started talking about how couples are so cringe these days.

We laughed after seeing the video and completely agreed with her statement. I was not a believer in love or relationship, as I felt it was all fake, in this generation of Gen Z true love was hard to find. I had never been in a relationship yet, Ashi on the other hand had few past relationships.

Being a realistic girl I believe in one man for life. It may sound very old school in the 21st century but it had completely to do with the way I was brought up and also I never regretted the fact that I was that way. I enjoyed being like that.

While we continued laughing and watching videos about couples and waiting for our order, a small boy came up to us gave Ashi a rose bouquet, and ran away. Before we could comprehend on what happened and react there was no one around and the small boy had vanished into thin air.

This was strange. A million thoughts in our heads and possibilities of who would give Ashi a rose bouquet, that too this time of the day and most importantly so specific in color and presentation.

It was not a normal red rose bouquet. Ashi always liked and preferred three white roses tied with a bow. She also preferred thorns to be in the flowers as she believed in the quality of life. Where there is love and sweetness there will also be hatred and bitterness just like roses with thorns.

I remember her telling me about this at the start of our friendship.

This rose bouquet was exactly in the same manner.

Seeing the roses Ashi's face turned red like a tomato and anyone who saw her could tell she was either blushing or embarrassed like hell.

But only I knew she was both together at this point. Even though me and Ashi knew each other only for a year there is nothing that Ashi has kept from me. At least I believed so. I was the quitter one and thought twice to share anything but Ashi being a big mouth made sure she told me everything about her life. Past present and future.

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