Shen feixiao sick desires

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(happen after le dong attempts rape on Qin shi but in turn gets killed accidentally. Qin shi on the verge of a break down, when this MFO gives a surprise entry)

~Sinful Desires~

The moon hung low in the sky, casting a silvery glow upon the rugged mountain path. Shen Feixiao's steps were soundless as he followed Qin Kaiyi, his heart a tempest of conflicting emotions. Seven years had passed since their parting, yet the ache remained fresh-a wound that refused to heal.

He loathed Qin Kaiyi with a fervor unmatched, yet he couldn't escape the tendrils of longing that wound around his soul. The enigma of Qin Shi's actions gnawed at him, but Shen Feixiao's heart harbored a more primal desire: to possess the man who haunted his every thought.

As they traversed treacherous terrain, Shen Feixiao's inner demons clawed at his sanity. He watched in silence as Le Dong drugged Qin Kaiyi, a twisted pawn in their deadly game. The thought of intervening never crossed his mind; after all, who would dare harm his shixiong? (A/N - bitch wut )

But fate had other plans. Qin Kaiyi, driven to the brink, committed murder-a desperate act that shattered the fragile equilibrium of their world.

Qin Kaiyi stood before him, disheveled and blood-streaked. His once-imperious demeanor had crumbled, revealing vulnerability beneath the surface. The torn clothes clung to his frame, exposing porcelain skin and sinewy legs. Unshod feet, white as jade, pressed into the earth-a stark contrast to the crimson stains that marred his neck.

Shen Feixiao's breath hitched. This was not the aloof shixiong he remembered. Here stood a man on the precipice of madness, and something primal stirred within Shen Feixiao-a hunger he couldn't deny.

The moonlight painted Qin Kaiyi's face, etching fear and exhaustion into delicate features. For the first time, Shen Feixiao saw past the ice and arrogance. Beneath it all lay a beauty that defied reason-a forbidden allure that ensnared his heart.

But fate was cruel. Before Shen Feixiao could savor this revelation, darkness swallowed them. Qin Kaiyi's mind teetered on the edge, and Shen Feixiao grappled with his own demons.

And so, amidst moonlit shadows, desire and despair entwined. Shen Feixiao vowed to unravel Qin Kaiyi, to claim him as fiercely as the mountains claimed the sky.

As dawn approached, Shen Feixiao's heart remained suspended-a fragment of jade and blood, caught between love and loathing.

To be continued...

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